Drinking and Diving

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Even as a newbie diver I picked up early on that the decision to drink on a SI is a cultural one. While in Bonaire, it was very common to meet at the bar after a dive and have a beer, along with water and Gatorade or whatever. The same was true while diving elsewhere in the Caribbean. In fact, rum punch was served on the dive boat! Back in the States it is frowned upon to have even one beer in between dives, even if you aren't diving for several hours later. So, how do I handle it? When in Rome.........
That's not to say that I get drunk or even light-headed. But having 1 beer on a hot day while I'm on vacation isn't going to impair me in any way. I certainly don't do keg stands as I'm walking out to the boat either. I balance that beer with lots and lots of water and a good meal. Use your common sense and if your dive buddy isn't comfortable with you drinking while on a surface interval, then be respectful and don't do it.
I personally find it difficult to drink while diving. If I have to have the regulator in my mouth, how do I fit in the beer bottle?!

Seriously though, I find it very common in many areas. I personally enjoy the drink after the diving day is done. I also avoid drinking alcohol (>1) at least 4 hours prior to a dive. I was just in Jamaica and the divemaster was telling me a story about a diver that smoked a little ganja right before showing up at the boat. They found out about it when he was bragging about it on the surface interval. The dive leader refused to let him dive the 2nd dive.

When I asked about his personal policy on drinking between dives, he said not on the boat, but on land was fine by him... as long as the person was not staggering drunk.

I personally would not want to tempt fate by letting my ability to handle issues be dissolved in the bottom of a bottle... Tempting fate to me is not having A drink. It is getting drunk. I just would not kill a drink and then jump in.. an hour surface interval is enough to break down A drink to me.
I was just in Jamaica and the divemaster was telling me a story about a diver that smoked a little ganja right before showing up at the boat. They found out about it when he was bragging about it on the surface interval. The dive leader refused to let him dive the 2nd dive.
That is a whole other thread. :wink:

Walsh and Burch, 1978 UHMS Abstract
RRR ID: 4320

Reduction of the Behavioral Effects of delta(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol by Hyperbaric Pressure. (editor note: Cannabis)
Walsh and Burch, 1977
NMRI report ADA046749 published as: Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, v7 p111-116 1977.
RRR ID: 4226
That is a whole other thread. :wink:

Walsh and Burch, 1978 UHMS Abstract
RRR ID: 4320

Reduction of the Behavioral Effects of delta(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol by Hyperbaric Pressure. (editor note: Cannabis)
Walsh and Burch, 1977
NMRI report ADA046749 published as: Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, v7 p111-116 1977.
RRR ID: 4226

I'm sorry but I'd find any study on Cannabis conducted by agents of the US government suspect in every respect. I wouldn't trust that they were either telling the truth or that the weed that they used in their testing wasn't leftover from a drug bust that occurred in the '60's.
so, he couldnt realistically......have a problem.....and due to his stupor....flip out and take another diver out with him? Rip out a reg or hit/kick the buddy due to the panic...It can happen to a sober person, so it can happen with a drunk one.....And I work in Law Enforcement.....and know all too well about what devestation idiots who drive drunk cause.....Just because he cant take out a family doesnt mean he cant take out other divers.....

A stupor? From one drink? Not unless there are some other drugs or extenuating circumstances involved.

And you're missing both the context and the point. The context is I was replying to one who was extremely concerned about someone having just half a drink. And the point was not that it's OK to drink and dive, but that such level of concern is ridiculous if one routinely ignores much greater risks regularly. It's like someone standing on the beach and refusing to get in the water because of a paranoia of shark attack, all the while unconcerned with the lightning storm passing overhead.
Drink, smoke, or toke ... and dive. Sometimes DCI happens, do you want to increase your chances even just slightly? Drink water for SI and immediately after the dive, then have a drink. The life you save could be your own.
Drink, smoke, or toke ... and dive. Sometimes DCI happens, do you want to increase your chances even just slightly? Drink water for SI and immediately after the dive, then have a drink. The life you save could be your own.

I'm sure you go directly to work and back home every day. Never an extra trip to go to a restaurant or the movies or a sporting event or shopping or anything else. Because driving is one of the most dangerous activities you do. Every trip and every mile increases your chances slightly. Is it worth the risk? Stay home, eat all you meals at home, get all your entertainment from the TV, and never drive anywhere that isn't mandatory. The life you save could be your own.
I had a beer with lunch over our 2-hour surface interval; how bad is that?

yea, I do that once in rare while. If its a shallow lazy dive and I'm in Mexico or something, but it is definetly frowned upon in America. Still, I'm not positive the answer to the question is that it is extremely rare because I see it happening a bit often in other countries and throughout the Caribbean.

Should you? probably not..but that is a different question.

I personally would never have more than one beer with food over a couple hours and dive.
It scares me way more to have all these people diving on these new pychiatric meds for this anxiety and that depression. The doctor says "okay" and everybody just accepts what they say...half the time they don't have any idea, is my opinion. Doctors are usually *yes people* or *no people* and the answer they give you has more to do with their personality than science, quite often.
In the OP scenario with a beer along with the meal, I'd say the potential to impair was slim in most people. You would have to know the person in order to make the decision to dive with them.

However, I was on a group trip to B.C. once where the group broke out the hard stuff when we returned to the island each day and proceeded to hit it hard. (My buddy and I were tag-alongs - not really part of the official group)

There were a number of them that were hung over EVERY DAY. Since I was with my buddy, it did not affect me personally. But, yeah, I judged it.

I really don't drink the night before a dive day, except for maybe one beer or one glass of wine. But, I don't enjoy the "buzz" anymore (I'm old now) so it is personal preference. And I do not want to add to my risks, either.

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