If you end up in 4 years, with sufficient funds to move toward tec, you may well find that you dive with an 80 AND a 40 as deco bottles, sometimes one, sometimes the other, sometimes both. If you deco on back gas, you face some possibly long hangs, and that is not ideal, even if it is a usual contingency. If you dive a single deco mix (let's say 50% O2) depending on how deep you went, how long your bottom time was, etc, and therefore what your deco schedule calculated out to be, you might find you needed more gas than a 40 would provide, so you might dive an 80. You might find an 80 was fine for one mix decos, but you wanted a shorter deco time, so you would want a second bottle, probably a 40, with 100% for the 20' stop. Certainly, part of tec training would include managing a single gas (back gas), managing two gases (back gas and a deco mix) and managing three gases (back gas, and two deco mixes). Some (smaller, low SAC rate) people will dive two AL40s. Some more enthusiastic breathers (like me) dive a 40 and an 80. Some even dive two 80s.