Dream Package

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Hey all,

Minds are like Diapers... ya gotta change 'em every now and then (and most are full of poop!)

Nothing personal Joewr... but I already changed mine... :tease:

I actually don't have a real problem with the integrated octos. BTW, the Tusa and the ScubaPro are identical. HOWEVER, I do plan on teaching in the near future, and I really need to modify so as to instruct on more normal gear. As my OMS IQ has no pull valve on the shoulder, I do not have that option. Even so, the comment made about looking to your right is quite valid... the length of the hose is not conducive to looking your buddy in the eye when you belly up to the surface. You CAN do it, but it requires more effort, and you don't want that in an OOA situation.

If he has any notions of becoming a Dive Master and/or Instructor, then use the equipment your students will have.
If anybody has a mind on this Board, it is you! And that is not a compliment: it is a fact.

Did you think I wanted to change your mind? Geez, I gotta go softer! No, I was just trying to point out that I have done the deed with my AirSource with no unusual convolutions of the body (or soul). That's all...No runs, drips or errors--oops, a different product!

Further, and this is not intended to change anyone's mind, I have used my AirSource at 90' and it was much easier than suck starting a Harley--a Yamaha,now that's different--but the sentence was clever and it made me think of Redneck Divers. So, if anyone still reads what I write--all 3 of you--anyone who uses and owns an AirSource or the equivalent try to use it a 90'-100' and have trouble?

Joewr..sans fancy disclaimers
On one of my Deep Water check out dives, the DI had us check out our secondaries... My Tusa did great @ 128'!

And Joe, you should know by now when I am teasing you... which is pretty much always! If I picked on ANYONE else, they might take it personal or something. :tease:
I knew that, I knew that...I just did not want anyone to think we were too tight! That way we can trap them more easily...

Joewr--sneaky, sneaky, sneaky

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