Dramamine before diving

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I get sea sickness like you would not believe and have tried medications from around the globe.

transdermscop patch, for me was not thta good- still three up, several times and the downside of having to wake early to put it on 4 hours in advance was a pian. I also got the worst seasickness on land after taking it off-like i was still on a boat when sat in a restuarant. Did not make me drowsy though and the underwater business was not a problem- be careful when adjusting your mask if it is behind the ears as they can fall off.

Bonnine- horribel stuff- threw up and it was pink- very drowsy too

Dramamine- varous different drowsy and non- drowsy types- they all made me drowsy, and I have been sick with all except the original formula. The drowsiness is diminished if you take one- then wait an hour and take another, but be aware of the possble limits to judgement under water- as suggested, simple shallow dives at first might be an idea.

triptone-My personal favorite. Although i have still managed to throw up taking these, the occurance is very rare. The best for non- drowsiness if taken an hour apaprt prior to boat travel. The best overall available in my opinion.

sea bands- didn't work at all

I have also tried local meds from tahiti, jamaica and britian with similar levels of failure. The absolute best ever were some miracle drugs from japan-dunno what was in them, but they rocked. so if anyone is visiting japan soon, send me some cos I am out.

With all meds, keep really hydrated as they all give you the cotton mouth feeling, and especially if you drink caffeeine to counteract the drowsiness-, and watch the alcohol.


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