Dr. Bill! Was that you on my tv...

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Reaction score
somewhere between Texas and Mexico
# of dives
500 - 999
...on the Weather Channel?

I think it was last week, on "how weather changed history" or one of the W.C.'s special shows. They were talking with a "Dr. Bill" on west coast enviromental impacts from climate change or something like that.

pretty sure it was SB'S own lovable Dr. Bill, sure looked a lot like him.
Can the groupies be far behind?

They're very far behind from my perspective... darn. Yep, that was me... and dive buddy Heather. Just when things quiet down, that show keeps resurfacing! Actually I thought they did a pretty good job of introducing folks to Catalina (if it was the whole 30-min piece, there is also a much shorter version that just focuses on us and diving as I remember).

If any groupies of the female persuasion want to treat me like a rock star, meet me on the King Neptune! A little funny... several weeks ago a DM friend of mine introduced me to a newly certified woman she had helped teach. This woman is engaged to be married to one of the band members of a fairly well known band. I guess she was a bit jaded on the personalities in the music scene and said "You're my kind of rock star!" Does that mean I'm now a geologist.

Back to work on the sea cucumbers!
Oh yes! that's what it was about, Catalina!! One of 3 places in the world with true Mediterranean weather, very interesting. Need to get out there one of these years!

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