DPV compass - illuminated?

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Raleigh, nc
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500 - 999
I’m considering a compass to attach to dpv. My question is do you find you prefer it to be illuminated style or non-illuminated style? I’m referring to the kayak style of compass that can wrap around the dpv body. Does the illumination, for however long the glow lasts with one “charge”, distract you while driving in dark environments or not? I note on Amazon there are 2 mainly popping up (Sun Company and Silva 58 - both non-illuminated). Is there even an illuminated kayak style compass out there in the market?
Look at silva - they have illuminated yacht compases with 1 red diode.
I use the Oceanic compasses on my scooter, the ones that glow, but it is super annoying having to try and charge it with light while scootering around.
The illumination doesn't last that long and as it's a dull green it doesn't distract you at all.

Neither of those compasses illuminate, so you would need an external light source.
I have played around with some glow in the dark products to look at integrating into some of my compass mounts I sell, but as an illumination source they are all garbage, they're not bright enough and don't last very long at all.

I have been looking at developing a compass mount that has a sealed rechargeable backlight integrated in it for the cheaper AliExpress compass modules.
Ok so we need a tritium sights / fluid-filled dome-style kayaking compass, since the kayaking compasses seem to work great on DPVs. Please let us know if anyone finds (or makes) one! Guessing the military has them?

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