.......I took out primary (on a long hose) and started to unwrap while also trying to get to my secondary [MISTAKE: I let go of my primary while doing all this, before making sure I could breath proiperly though my 2ndry]
....I then (after purging) my 2ndry was breathing very wet, however my hoses were then entangled between each other and with the pull on the hoses I then had trouble with getting back to breath with my primary[MISTAKE: The hoses were not free and clear - my 1mary and 2ndary seemed to be intertwined which I think caused me some of the problems]...luckily one of the buddy team was very close so I indicated to her that I was having problems with my reg and I switched to her octo (although by that time trying to breath slowly while coughing was tricky) so it took us a short time (and it turned out in the process about 20ft in depth) to get back to normal
I'm just curious. Did you ever actually train with a long hose or did you just adopt it and carry on diving?