limeyx:The question is, can you swim it up? If you can indeed swim up the AL80's full w/out ditching any weight now, and you can then go to an AL plate and ditch the tail weight and still be balanced in the 85's then it might work.
However, a lot of people use the AL80's in order to gain some ditchable weight. If you "ditch" the ditchable then with the 85's, you may not be able to swim it up.
Obviously there is some margin here as some people inherently seem to need less weight than others (I always seem to use more than my buddy even though he is heavier than me).
I do indeed swap out about 4 pounds of lead when going from an AL80 to a faber LP85
With a single 85 in a 7MM wetsuit, I need a steel plate and 8 pounds of lead.
What is this fascination with ditchable weight? I dive in caves. Ditchable weight is meaningless. It's meaningless for decompression diving as well. Last thing you want to do on a deco dive is LOSE ballast. Dive a balanced rig. Problem solved.