It might be awhile before I actually am able to dive doubles, actually looking at a set but, I was wondering if I could get a favor from any of you here. The taller the better (maybe).
I'm 6' 6" and I have a pretty good reach. With my single tank, I really have no issue in grabbing and turning off my tank valve. Also, I haven't practiced turning it off as a drill as I haven't made my buddy aware of it, yet.
With that thought in mind, I was wondering if I could get any of you to try and see if you can turn off (or do valve drills) the valves on your doubles setup with only your right arm. I guess that would be the main determining factor on whether or not I get a set of doubles. If no one will be able to, I may not get the doubles I'm looking at getting.
So please test that next time you are out if you will. Make sure your buddy knows just incase you get introuble.