I don't consider this thread to be a fight, although I'm sure some disagree...
This is my perspective too. I see it as an argument in the Greek sense where people debate their ideas to "test" them. In that way it can be quite constructive. I have no real criticism of peoples choices.
In this discussion I keep reading that redundancy for MD's is based on simply being able to close the isolator. Is that so? Doesn't this only place the MD user on the same plane as the ID user (lower actually because I have that without isolating). Being able to take advantage of the max usable gas potential of MD's also has to do with being able to shutdown posts and diagnose which failure is resolved by which action. I see flow chart, not Y/N.
Now, for a twist.
So far this looks like an ID vs MD battle with MD's winning for tech diving, but I really see an ID vs MD vs RB debate with RB's being the better all around choice. Deeper, longer, in a far smaller package. It seems the most advanced dives are being done on RB these days so a tech diver, beginning with the end in mind, should skip OC MD's all together and choose RB. Yet many MD divers might vehemently oppose such a suggestion. How would those self limiting arguments (excuses) be any different from the current ID vs MD discussion. In the end, an inferior system is chosen, be it for safety, familiarity or personal preference reasons.