MikeFerrara:If some one walked out of a system like Peacock the vis would be blown for a week but that wouldn't be the worst of it...In some places the line is way off the bottom and the silt could be several feet deep. That means you'd be walking through black soup and making your way out without a line. LOL
I wasnt suggesting it as standard practice mike! lol, it sounds like a fun training excercise for noobs though.
I was doing some trimix stuff in a 300 ft sinkhole a couple of years back when I looked at the deflator of the wing I was using and then decided to put a second wing on. I got in the water and the first inflator just popped right off.
Didnt Rob Palmer die of a runaway descent? I cant remember the details.
Doc Intrepid:Jarrod is a huge stroke who's never done a real dive in his life
Isnt it scary how things can get twisted by the press!!!!