Dos Lagos-Alvin

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Houston, near medical center
Just a note to tell everyone-Tony,Joe,Francois,Emma, and Randy that I really enjoyed my first dive with the swampies. The mexican food afterwords wasn't too shabby either. Looking forward to next Wednesday's get wet evening .

Dax :D :eek:ut:
Hopefully we'll be there this weekend but definitely next Wed. I've been dry almost 2 weeks....way too long!
Dee, When you say this weekend does that mean Saturday P.M.? Let me know I'll try to make it, if not definitely Wednesday. By the way everyone missed you.
I'm hoping to make it out to TL Saturday as well, hope to see you and Beast out there as well as all of the other regulars!
Nicotine that is!!!:) Yes ,I finnally gave up the nasties and looking forrward to more lung capacity.I`ts been rough and tough but I`m feeling a lot better already.Sorry I missed out on the fun Wed. but Of coarse I`ll be out at T.L. doing my semi-employment tasks till all is settled down,then the only way you`ll find me is with a tank on your back!
A belated welcome to you Dax,and if you can i`ll see ya sat eve.Yes Homey,I am going to do a night dive Sat. so bring your light.All is invited to join in .Hey phinn buddy,.....hows gabby doing?Hope to see ya`ll tommorrow.
Yo Chrispete,got any good free samples of caffine stimuli laying around?:D
Yo Chrispete,got any good free samples of caffine stimuli laying around?

Sure, and if anyone likes chai tea I can bring some of that along as well if you'd like. I can't exactly pack up the espresso machine though - it's a bit too heavy to cart around. :wink: And congrats on quitting the cancer sticks!
Well...Beasts trip to the second dentist was way better than the first. The anitbiotics have done their thing so his pain is almost gone. He's scheduled for 3 extractions next Wed. So unless it hurts too much to hold the reg in place, he'll be diving with us.

See ya'll tomorrow
T.P.H. once bubbled...
Nicotine that is!!!:) Yes ,I finnally gave up the nasties and looking forrward to more lung capacity.

Way to go T.P.H.! Us fellow swampers will help keep you motivated to stay of the smokes... :rasta: :nono:

It was great to be back at TL on Wed. Good to meet the new swampers Dax and Randy, and to dive with Tony, Homey, and Francois again...but sure did miss the absent diehards Dee, Doug, ChrisPete, and T.P.H. There sure were some good clusters of hungry fish...and Homey spotted a "school" of some real big'uns :fishy: (unfortunately, right after we ran out of crackermush).

Hope to see y'all again on Wed. (have to go to Blue Lagoon this weekend ;-0 ).

p.s. Hey T.P.H., I haven't forgotten about my "M" cap...hope you haven't tossed it yet... I'll catch up with you on Wed.

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