The club picnic is saturday june 19th at my place. I have no idea of when its going to kick off at this point. I'm not sure, but I'm probably DIC, so I should get my *** in gear. I would definetely call Tracy to sign up for the dives. The viz is darn near zero in the first fifteen feet right now on the Niagara. It opens up to about twenty once you get down to the bottom. We have had a south breeze that must have blown all that you know what up from Milwaukee. Personally I think the board members from MMSD who sold a system thats only supposed to spill into lake Michigan every hundred years should be tortured, then taken out and shot. Last year at this time we had close to 100 foot viz some days. Its really sad. Better pray for no rain.
Anyway, see you at the picnic.
Anyway, see you at the picnic.