larry, dearest, i beg to differ... although not a thong you were once caught wearing some cheetah-spotted shorts not a few years ago...Deco chamber? DECO CHAMBER???? What on God's green earth do you sad-sack scuba divers know about chambers? Huh, HUH? I bet you've never seen the inside of a chamber so small that you coyuld hardly fit yer dam arm inside it!!!!! Well take it from me that's luuuuuuuxuury compared to what we commercial types doand DO YOU KNOW WHAT????? We love it!!!! It show that we're REAL men, not some nancy-boy squealing little girly rather have a nice croissant with latte than dive bollock-naked into 0 degrees centigrade water wearing only a leopard-skin thong and singing Abba at the top of our prepubescent voices pathetic excuses for a PROPER DIVER like you.
You make me puke, the lot of you.
