Last Saturday a diver died in Eilat. He was trying to swim to the dibving site with two other buddies. they became separated by the current and he had difficulties swimming (over weighted??).
A casual diver who passed by tried to help him: he ditched his own weight belt and then the stressed diver's belt. Then he tried to inflate the stressed diver's BC.
Now comes the bad luck: The weight belt of the stressed diver was entangled with the BC, and the rescuer pushed the wrong button (deflated the BC instead of inflating it. Perhaps he wasn't familiar with the BC or the stressed diver was moving in panic and made it difficult to hold the inflator).
The result: the stressed diver rocked to the bottom, dragged by his own weightbelt and deflated BC.
The rescuer ditched his belt, so he couldn't sink to assist him.
The diver died.
Why all the story?
Because it is worth learning a lesson or two from it.
In your case, donning the gear in such a strange method (floating the weight belt on top of the BC all the way to the site and only then putting everything on) increases the chances of entangling the belt with the BC. In case of emergency (and with the help of Murphy's law) it may be a fatal mistake.
If you have a problem getting to a site with your gear on, don't dive there. It is better aborting a dive rather than jeopardizing one's life in such a stupid manner.
There are other "lessons for life" in the story:
Know the equipment of your buddies. Before the dive make sure you know his weight ditching method (integrated/belt), check that the weights are not obstacled by anything, be sure you know the air relief valves in his BC, the inflator, etc. Had his buddies performed this, the weight belt would fall down and the diver be alive today.
Sadly, most of the divers don't perform a comprehensive buddycheck.
It seems that in case of rescue, one has to be sure that he ditches first the rescued diver's weight belt first.
Have a safe diving and try your best to stay out of the Darwin Award candidates list..