Does Zeagle have a trade in program?

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Reaction score
Brantford, Ontario
# of dives
200 - 499
I'm in the market for another reg this summer, and have an old genesis I don't use anymore. I was curious if Zeagle happens to have a trade in program similar to Apeks, where you get a credit for your old reg towards a new one.

We have been discussing that recently, and I really think that we could have one sometime this year.

As many of you know, we used to distribute Apeks regs under the Zeagle name, but since Aqualung bought Apeks, it has become harder and harder to get the parts.

What we are thinking about doing is basically what we did a few years ago - if you trade in a Zeagle branded Apeks reg, you get "X" amount of dollars off a new Zeagle reg, or you can trade in any brand of reg and get "Y" amount off.

There will come a time when we simply won't be able to supply the parts for the old Apeks regs that were sold, and we want to be able to take care of our customers without just saying, "Sorry, tough luck."

I'll post more info as soon as I have it.


Great! Hopefully it won't be too late into the season when you guys go ahead with this, since I need another DSV to match on my doubles. Am I safe in my assumption that a program like that would be valid for Canadian retailers as well?

Now if they only planned to do this for their BC's. Of course the dang things never die.
We have been discussing that recently, and I really think that we could have one sometime this year.

As many of you know, we used to distribute Apeks regs under the Zeagle name, but since Aqualung bought Apeks, it has become harder and harder to get the parts.

What we are thinking about doing is basically what we did a few years ago - if you trade in a Zeagle branded Apeks reg, you get "X" amount of dollars off a new Zeagle reg, or you can trade in any brand of reg and get "Y" amount off.

There will come a time when we simply won't be able to supply the parts for the old Apeks regs that were sold, and we want to be able to take care of our customers without just saying, "Sorry, tough luck."

I'll post more info as soon as I have it.



Hi Scott, I have a tech50d that was purchased in 1996 and continues to be a great reg. But as you note it is getting difficult to get prts to have it serviced.

Have you introduced the trade in program yet?


Don Lind

You mentioned having trade-in for Zeagle Apex. Did you decide to do the other option of trading in a non-zeagle reg for a discount on a new one? Or does the trade-in only include Zeagle Apex regulators?

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