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I bought a dive computer (Atmos Pro) less than a year ago. When I first bought it, the batteries were dead. I had my diveshop replace the batteries no charge, no problem. No more than 20 dives later, the batteries started dying once again. I know this is not normal, so I brought it back to the diveshop once again. They didn't understand why the computer was eating batteries. They said they would send it away to be checked out. When I brought it in, it was working fine (just like when you bring your car to the mechanic to be diagnosed...haha) I used it one more time because it seemed to be working properly. That dive, the temp was not registering, and I had no depth reading. When I told the dive shop about this, they immediately said they had to send it in. I asked what would happen, and they told me that the computer would most likely be replaced because once the depth sensors go, it becomes a liability to them, and they just replace it. This was 2 months ago. The dive shop finally called me, and told me I had 2 options. First was that they would send me a refurbished computer with a 6 month warranty. Or I could upgrade to the atmos 2, but would have to pay the $275.00 difference. I'm not happy about this. I buy a brand new's a lemon, and they want to send me a refurbished one? Or, I have to pay for an uprgaded computer? From experiences I've had in the past with other things....if they don't make it anymore, and your item is fubarred, they give you the upgraded model no charge. The atmos pro is no longer available, so this is why they want to upgrade me. If you bought a new car, and 6 months later, it totally dies, do they offer you a same year, but used model? Can anyone help me out here? Who to call, what to do????
Perhaps you could try and contact Aeris directly. IMO, if your dive shop is an authorised Aeris dealer they should be able to replace your defective computer with a new one immediately, no questions asked. This has been my experience with Oceanic (Aeris, Oceanic and PPS are basically the same company) - when my Atom died unexpectedly the shop (an authorised Oceanic dealer) where I bought it just gave me a brand new one.
yup - you're right - that's crap!

NO to the refurbished one, unless you get a partial refund which makes it worth it.

NO to the $$ upgrade - they should be able to eat that (the store s/be able to negotiate that - perhaps for a NOMINAL amount...)

If either aren't acceptable, get a full refund and find another computer.

Normally, in situations like this, the store should have fixed this problem by replacing your computer directly from inventory - rather than making you wait!!!
Aeris has a 2 year warranty ( for their computers. I hope you bought it from a recognized Aeris dealer and registered it.

Of course, batteries are not included in this warranty, but you problem is not the battery, it is that the computer is eating them. The depth sensor should be included under warranty work.

I would mention this to your dive shop. The should give you no problems with this. If they do, you should contact Aeris and tell them what's happening.

1) Tell the folks at the shop that you have a warenty and you want the computer either repaird or replaced and the warenty of the replaement to expire the same time as the unit you bought, not in 6 months. Read your warenty paper. If this fails call Arries and tell them what hapened at the shop.

2) Find a new dive shop.

I bought a dive computer (Atmos Pro) less than a year ago. When I first bought it, the batteries were dead. I had my diveshop replace the batteries no charge, no problem. No more than 20 dives later,<SNIP>
Well here is the deal... If you bought an atmos pro a year ago, I hope they gave you one hell of a good deal on it. They were discontinued about a year before that. When aeris came out with the Atmos 2, water activated, audible alarms etc... they dropped that Atmos Pro. Sure they can fix yours... would you like to be without one for the next 6 weeks?? What they do when they come in is strip them down, take out the boards and sensors, test everything, replace which ever parts need to be replaced, then put everything into a new housing - no more face scratches...

Then they call that one a refurb... so you are going to get the one that someone else sent in 6 weeks ago... then it got rebuilt.

As far as the upgrade offer... I can sell you a new Atmos 2 for the $275, and get your Atmos Pro rebuilt, or replaced with a refurb, so you can sell it off, or use it as a backup... Trading it in, and paying 275 is a bit steep....
I bought a dive computer (Atmos Pro) less than a year ago. When I first bought it, the batteries were dead. I had my diveshop replace the batteries no charge, no problem. No more than 20 dives later, the batteries started dying once again. I know this is not normal, so I brought it back to the diveshop once again. They didn't understand why the computer was eating batteries. They said they would send it away to be checked out. When I brought it in, it was working fine (just like when you bring your car to the mechanic to be diagnosed...haha) I used it one more time because it seemed to be working properly. That dive, the temp was not registering, and I had no depth reading. When I told the dive shop about this, they immediately said they had to send it in. I asked what would happen, and they told me that the computer would most likely be replaced because once the depth sensors go, it becomes a liability to them, and they just replace it. This was 2 months ago. The dive shop finally called me, and told me I had 2 options. First was that they would send me a refurbished computer with a 6 month warranty. Or I could upgrade to the atmos 2, but would have to pay the $275.00 difference. I'm not happy about this. I buy a brand new's a lemon, and they want to send me a refurbished one? Or, I have to pay for an uprgaded computer? From experiences I've had in the past with other things....if they don't make it anymore, and your item is fubarred, they give you the upgraded model no charge. The atmos pro is no longer available, so this is why they want to upgrade me. If you bought a new car, and 6 months later, it totally dies, do they offer you a same year, but used model? Can anyone help me out here? Who to call, what to do????
well it sounds as though they saw you least you should be able to sell it back to the store your bought it at so they can use it as a rental....maybe not for full price...but anything is better than nothing...also try using the lithium 3 batteries...last alot you know...batteries loose about 1%of their charge daily,(expotentially)..when they are stored in a unit even when the unit is off....check battery manufactures web site for specifics......BUT if you are ready to get a good model with all bells and whistles..EAN also...look at the OCEANIC PRO PLUS 2...great piece to probs...great usb interface for downloading to your pc...excellent graphics....view at the good luck Eagle-scuba
....snip.... First was that they would send me a refurbished computer with a 6 month warranty. Or I could upgrade to the atmos 2, but would have to pay the $275.00 difference. ....snip....

The warranty is crystal clear.... it says this:

Should this product prove to be defective for any reason (other than those listed as limitations below) the product will be serviced or replaced at AERIS's sole discretion at no charge

This is one of those times that you have to tell the dive shop the their problems with suppliers are not your problems. Fix or replace. That's the rules. Show them the warranty, point out the clause I quoted and demand your rights!

What happened is that the diveshop sold you an old computer and Aeris can't replace it because they don't make them any more. The shop can replace it with a new one but it's going to cost them $275 to do it (either that or they're just trying to fleece you). Either way it's *their* problem, not yours. They should either pay the difference or pay for a lawyer to explain why they think they don't need to pay the difference and then lose in court and pay anyway....

From your perspective it doesn't matter which way they want to play this game.

And personally, If it were me, I would take the refurbished computer on the condition that they provide it with a full 2 year (I think) warranty.

Another option is that the reimburse you for the initial purchase price and that's that.


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