Does this site work for anyone else?

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Reaction score
Southern Wisconsin
# of dives
200 - 499
Seriously, is this site actually usable for others on a regular basis?

I've tried about every 2 weeks for the last 4 or 5 months and it has been completely unusable. The tons of ads from and seem to prevent 80% of my page loads from ever completing.

Before you write me off as a clueless computer dork, realize the entire time I've been able to use a ton of other sites on the net just fine. My DSL provider has been solid over that time also. I've used IE 7, Opera, and Firefox - same story on all of them.

Every time I get my hopes up and then just give up and move on to and other dive boards and they're fine. I feel a sense of loss - this used to feel like a nice community to me - even met up with some other boarders in Curacao once.
I'm sure the mods will be along shortly...but since you asked others if the site works for them I'll throw in my .02; this site always works fine for me...I'm on it several hours a day usually without any issues. At times when they are switching servers or something it might slow down or be offline for a day...but there must be something on your end blocking it. Have you tried on another computer? Maybe it's a connection or firewall issue?? :confused:

Another option if you think it might be the ads...if you become a "supporting member" I'm pretty sure the ads won't be on the site for you anymore.
I use this site quite regularly. :)

I've changed some settings on your account. Does it help?
I've used this site on a practically daily basis (I skip some weekends and vacations) for just shy of 7½ years and have rarely had a problem.
Huh? A lot of others have posted about how slow it is. I don't get any ads (now that I fixed the Supporting glitch), but it's still slow here.

HowardE did post in another thread today...
The facts are - the number of users who were online before the new servers (last June) was less than 1/2 of what it is now. On average, there are hundreds more people online at any given moment.

We are in the process of adding a second web server to the equation, to handle the traffic to the site. This should speed up page loads for the 97% of our users who are using faster than dial-up connections... even the 40% of our users who are using Cable, or even the 2% of our users who are using an OC3 Connection
Ok fine, progress is still planned, but it is slow - and we are losing the participation of members like codecruncher 'cause like he said: He can talk scuba elsewhere easier.

We've also had some total outages recently, in case you were lucky enough to miss them.

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