Does this make me a bad/weak diver?

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Reaction score
Paoli, PA
# of dives
100 - 199
Here is the situation, me and my brother and sister went out to dive virginia beach with Master Wreck Charters. We were at the boat at 6:15 and off into the Atlantic by 6:45. We were told the dive would be "divers choice" but apon arriving at the boat the captain told us we were going to the Powell.

After a 3 hour boat ride out the waves were calm 1' and the boat was finally achored, after 5 attempts. One diver jumped in and off to solo dive/spear fish. Me and my sister and brother geared up, getting ready to go a qiuck predive disscusion was held and the dive master was getting suited up. Then the waves changed and went up to 4-5'. We were told the site was too bad and they pulled the anchor and drove around waiting for the solo diver to return.

The gave a new plan of going to a shallower wreck closer in, the saratoga or something. Anouther 2-3 hour boat ride later we ended up back at the chesapeak bay bridge. We were told this was the new site 15-20' deep with 2-3' vis and medium current. As the dive master was saying that my sister overhead the captain say this current is really ripping. When Kadi (sister) asked if the current was very stong they said it would be fine.

Anouther predive plan was disscused, the dive master said we would follow the white line off the stern to the bottom stay together and go look for "cool" stuff. Apon entering my sister was feeling Ill sea sick and decided not to go. We help on the other stern line waiting for all the other divers. Once we were all in the dive master told us to swim away from the boat starboard side we followed him away from the dessent line swimming across the current. At this point I started feelling abit out of breath only after the short swim. I told me brother to staay very close as vis was more along the lines of 10". We finally stopped and the dive master signaled to decend. As I tried to desend I had a bit of trouble decending and all the other divers (my brother, the dive master and anouther diver) were all to far down to see. I was paniced and out of breath. I deceded to head back to the boat alone and forget the dive. I strugged against the current back to the floating stern line and very out of breath floated there to relax myself. The captain yelled "you ok come over here" I stayed on the line and went over to the ladder. I pulled one fin off then as I was trying to get the other the captain told me to just climb up with one on.

Once on the boat I felt like this was a completely terrible attemp at diving. I couldnt swim with the current and felt very weak after returning. In the predive plan the captain said if "we went out to sea with the current we would have to live with being there for hours untill they found us." This made me nervous during the swim back to the line and gave me a worse time. Anouther 5 minutes and the other divers were at the surface and on the way back to the boat. They said once they were down no one could find each other and so they just reasended and called the dive.

What do you think about this, am I just to oput of shape to dive at Virginia Beach? I only have 50 dives and mostly in the carribean on are boat or at dutch springs.

At this point I feel like Ill never go out from VB again.:upset:
ReeferBen once bubbled...

What do you think about this, am I just to oput of shape to dive at Virginia Beach? I only have 50 dives and mostly in the carribean on are boat or at dutch springs.

At this point I feel like Ill never go out from VB again.:upset:

"Argue hard enough for your limitations, and, sure enough, they're yours".

You'd have to answer your own question for us. If all the others made it, and you didn't, I'd say a little conditioning is in order.

You had a bad dive, and it opened your eyes to some of your limitations. If you're satisfied with those limitations, then I believe you're right that VA Diving is not for you.

ps, your charter service really, really sucks.
Hey, don't beat yourself up over this at all. You made the right call. You're doing this for fun right? Anytime you don't feel comfortable you shouldn't dive.

More experience and better fitness can often make a dive that was once difficult into a piece of cake. Next time you're out there you might find that you have no problems.

Stick with the adage: You can call a dive at anytime for any reason.
Chalk it up to a bad day for you, and for the conditions. Maybe it had something to do with the dive operation as well. LOng boat rides don't sit very well with me either, but I have learned to get my "sea legs".

50 dives, all tropic, so sure, you're kinda new, it's also a bit different than the tropics too!!!

I once drove 5hrs to do 2 dives in one morning. I had dopne them both before, and I was excited. The waves were very rough. I went in, had a crappy dive 1, came back on board and had a bit of a time catching my breath. I think I was actually overheated, looking back on it.

I chose to skip dive 2. The first missed dive of my life. I was cheesed off at myself, and as the guy were coming up from dive 2, of course I felt fine and wish I had gone.


Months later..........I'm over it.

You'll get over it too. It ain't nothing. Everyone has off days. Take time to get acquainted with the local diving, and relax.

There's something to be said for warm, clear, tropical diving!
It sounds like the captain tried to make the best of a marginal day. If the other divers decided to go to the Powell, you may have been outvoted before you got there.

I couldn't tell you if you are out of shape. Did the rest of the divers have trouble with the current? You might not be ready for the bay or the ocean on a marginal day. It sounds like no one else was ready for the current at the Powell.

The wreck they were headed for was probably Santore, a common alternate in weather. They drove past it, so the weather was at least that bad.

Wreck Master isn't fast, so the captain doesn't have many options.

The current at the CBBT islands can be managed if the boat is anchored in the right place. I like the downcurrent side at about the middle of the island. With wind, it can be a real handful.

If you're going to be in town, I'd like to see you try again. We certify many divers at the CBBT. (I did my cert dives at the second island.) Many go out to the tower reef for cert dives.

Better weather would make all the difference. There are many things to dive around here, but we can't schedule the weather.

I wouldn't consider this experience as evidence of your diving skills. Anyone can have a bad day and if compounded by weather, even a simple dive can become a real CF.
I am orginally from Va Beach and go back often to visit my mom and friends. I grew up spending quite a bit of time on the ocean, even though I just started diving, I can tell you currents in the area can get pretty bad and no matter how strong of a swimmer you are it can exhaust you. The conditions did not sound ideal to dive from what you explained and the fact that the other divers ended up aborting the dive about 5 minutes into it makes me think that even more. Don't be so hard on yourself and I would definitely suggest you give it another try in Va Beach when conditions are more ideal for you. Check out Lynnhaven Dive Center next time you go!
Hey..... don't beat your self up too badly, don't ever second guess yourself.....if it doesn't feel right for what ever reason call the dive. Better to call the dive and come back and do it another day than be foolish and maybe not come back at all.
life's too short.
Diving is just like anything else. We place expectations upon our selves about being the best or comparing ourselves to others and it's a waste of time. Considering your level of experience in mainly tropical locations, I am a little surprised that you were exposed to dive sites like that. I am fortunate to be in a part of the world where you can get all sorts of extremes and dive types, so it prepares you for difficult conditions and environments. There is a big difference between tropical and temperate or cold seas. The equipment and the diving practices are different by necessity. I have dived in both. It's great to be in a pair of shorts, but I'd freeze my nanas off if I did that in a winter dive here. I wear a full exposure suit with hood, gloves and boots, and if they are snug and constricting and I have a walk of 2-300 metres to the dive site, then I can be puffing and hot and have difficulty breathing. If you're from the tropics, that can be very uncomfortable. It's about knowing yourself and your limitations, growing in your experience and if you don't have that experience, than learn from others and use your best judgement.
The main thing in diving is to be safe and have fun. I have had bad experiences myself and have lacked confidence at times as well. We all do. Just put on the fins and get back in the water and keep it fun. You can also get training for different conditions and dive types. Maybe look into that. Then when you're more confident, head down my way and I'll take you diving with a surf entry in 5ft waves. Now that IS fun...haha.

Cheers Big Ears,
The Gasman

:thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
Custer once bubbled...
You'd have to answer your own question for us. If all the others made it, and you didn't, I'd say a little conditioning is in order.

I wouldn't jump on that too quickly.

Wreck Master runs out of East Beach Marina in Little Creek, which is where the main SEAL base on the east coast is.

I've been on many dive trips off another boat on that creek, "Sho-Nuff". It isn't unusual to find yourself surrounded by some outrageously strong swimmers having fun on a day off.
Don Burke once bubbled...

I wouldn't jump on that too quickly.

Wreck Master runs out of East Beach Marina in Little Creek, which is where the main SEAL base on the east coast is.

I've been on many dive trips off another boat on that creek, "Sho-Nuff". It isn't unusual to find yourself surrounded by some outrageously strong swimmers having fun on a day off.

I agree. That's why I said he'd have to tell us. I was just lightly ragging on him because he gave up so easy. I advocate anyone calling a dive for any reason, but that doesn't extend to calling all my dives in the future...

"At this point I feel like Ill never go out from VB again."

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