Does every woman go through this before a trip!!!!!!

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My "get-ready" routine is pretty hectic. I don't dye my hair or do nails but the packing takes all week because I usually have to get 7 of us ready to go.

When it is just the 2 of us:kissy: it doesn't seem to be any less stressful because I want to pack what will look good and I still need to make preparations for the rest of the 7 that doesn't get to go.
For a week long trip, it's 2 swim suits, 2 dive tank tops (I dive in tank and suit) which I rotate day to day. One good T-shirt that's worn to dinner every night, my dinner shirt, which I also wear to and from the trip. 2 pair of shorts, one usually is never worn so this year I'll probably leave it home. Bare personal hygene, ie. toothbrush, Oil of Olay, Loofah, and a comb. I'm ready for the week.

Dive gear stays serviced and in good working order so it takes about 10 minutes to pack. But I'll take days to decide on camera gear, insurance in current, making sure it's all working properly, I've got batteries charged and all memory cards are working. Laptop is ready to go and just how much of this stuff can I get in my back pack?

I keep my hair cut and this year, since I have a big birthday coming up, I'm thinking I'll let my silver shine and start looking my age! :D Besides, all that color and highlighting is getting expensive. During dive season I keep my nails cut short anyway but I'll usually do the dive flag polish job on my toes.
For me, I will make sure my hair is cut so that the hair will not get in the way ,flood my mask ;-0 and lead to me missing that beautiful manta or whale shark that just swam thru :D

Other than that, I will just grab a couple of T-shirt and short , swimwear and dive gears and off I go to paradise :wave:
As a guy, I'd have to say that women tend to fall to either one extreme or another.

I'm lucky with my wife...she's "low maintenance". In fact, for the last 3 trips that she has done with me to Europe, she's packed all of her things in but one carry-on bag.

Diving or non-diving, I truely believe in travelling LIGHT and fast.


PS: my oldest brother went with us on a trip to Germany last month...he took as much as my wife & I combined (or my parents combined).
ooh cool, new look message board...

however, back to the subject in hand. I know how you feel!! I am currently planning a 6 week trip and it's a nightmare! Injections and rucksack purchases aside, there is just so much to think of. The current girlie debate, is: do I deal with my roots now, or see what the sun does? I haven't even got to the shaving element as yet.

I will be having to backpack all my kit n clothes, so minimal I think will be the best option.

Any tips for living on a beach for so long will be welcome…

Wow a 6 week trip sounds great! I wish I had some info that you could use but a week is the longest I have had the chance to stay away.

Where are you going? I'm not sure if you have the product line by Aveeno - lotions, shave creams etc. But I can tell you that they do work - the ones with natural soy does retard the hair growth.

Have a great trip and let us know all about it when you get back.

ooh cool, new look message board...

however, back to the subject in hand. I know how you feel!! I am currently planning a 6 week trip and it's a nightmare! Injections and rucksack purchases aside, there is just so much to think of. The current girlie debate, is: do I deal with my roots now, or see what the sun does? I haven't even got to the shaving element as yet.

I will be having to backpack all my kit n clothes, so minimal I think will be the best option.

Any tips for living on a beach for so long will be welcome…

thanks nauifins!
I shall bear that in mind, the soy sauce sounds great!
I am going on a reef conservation trip to Madagascar, so I have the added challenge of finding biodegradeable products that work!
I shall fill you in on all the good bits when I get back, right now I am on a quest for a mosquito net and a good rucksack!
thanks nauifins!
I shall bear that in mind, the soy sauce sounds great!
I am going on a reef conservation trip to Madagascar, so I have the added challenge of finding biodegradeable products that work!
I shall fill you in on all the good bits when I get back, right now I am on a quest for a mosquito net and a good rucksack!

Here is site that has some environmentally friendly stuff...

I have just a general packing question.... We are going to Puerto Vallarta in 3 weeks to do our open water dives. We have never been to PV and never dove anywhere other than an indoor pool.

What essentials do I need to pack? We were told that the water temp would suggest 5mm wetsuits (which the LDS will supply)... so what does that mean for me? A jacket? Polartec? Fleece? hat, glove, mittens :) lol I just have no idea what to expect, and while I'm only minimally fashion conscious, I don't want to be uncomfortable. ANY SUGGESTIONS would be greatly appreciated, even so far as specific brands that work for you!! Thanks

What essentials do I need to pack? We were told that the water temp would suggest 5mm wetsuits (which the LDS will supply)... so what does that mean for me? A jacket? Polartec? Fleece? hat, glove, mittens :) lol I just have no idea what to expect, AmyJ
Remember that water temp may well have nothing to do with the air temperature. I know lots of dive sites that have cold water and a 5 mm full suit is called for but, above the water it is a balmy 90 degrees. Check Yahoo weather for the air temps. ;)

Here is site that has some environmentally friendly stuff...
Wow! thanks AmyJ, that is fantastic. I must admit, biodegradeable sunscreen is one thing I had not found so far.

With regards to your dilemma, the advice from Zippsy sounds good to me, the air temperature is what is going to directly affect what you wear. If it is warm enough in the sea to wear a 5mm wetsuit, then I would imagine outside will be quite warm, but that is only a guess.

Hope you have a great time.

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