Do you beleive in the supernatural?

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Well the house I group up in was definitely haunted, but not in an evil or malicious way either. Doors opening, closing, Air conditioners being turned off, child's laughter. And my mother always gives me these majorly messed up stories about me, talking to the spirit (it seems every child ever to stay in the house did this as well), mom even tried to have the house excorcised, but our priest came and like prayed a bit and then decided it was a mischievous child's spirit and nothing evil and blessed it and the house. But all this was never conversational or a big deal until we moved, now in retrospect all of my family are very non-chalant about our "old haunted house" but people think we are messing with em.

Not superstitous or supernatural type either, give me cold hard scientific equations and show your working, thats my style.

Sirens of the deep perhaps? :)
Not a ghost story - but anyway... I have a friend who's mother lives in the Blue Mountains, about an hour and a half from Sydney. On her street, it is pretty much common knowledge that a bigfoot type creature roams the area. (apparantly, the Blue Mountains are known for this type of thing).When I say common knowledge, I mean everyone on the street has seen it. They have chased it, played games of hide and seek with it (apparantly quite smart - it will throw rocks and sticks to make you look somewhere else). It is known to sit next to the windows of childrooms bedrooms while they sleep, rubbing the outside wall with its hands making - and I quote "soothing sounds".

It has actually got to the point where the locals are kind of sick of it and don't pay it attention anymore.

None of the locals have mentioned this to any sort of media as they don't want their quiet street in the mountains to turn into a media circus. They are quite happy to co-exist, as it doesn't seem to cause any trouble (though locking up small animals at night is said to be a good idea). I have been there, seen the "evidance" (in terms of foots prints, bite marks on trees - there has even been a hair sample that went through DNA analysis by a Uni with the result being "uknown primate").

It is a lot quieter now - seems it got bored of the people as they got bored of it, it is still around but only heard every so often. It used to be a case of "if you turn up tonight, stand there and you WILL see it" - and if you are bored chase it when it screems at you and then runs away, that's what it likes to play.

Like I said, I have been there, though I never saw the creature itself. One day, if I'm bored, I may spend a night camping in the area to see if I get lucky with a camera. Unlike the US, we don't have bears or other similar large animals, so it's kind of hard to imagine what else it could be.

.... it's kind of hard to imagine what else it could be.

Z... you know what it is, its some feral on his way down from Byron hunting Rexy baby!

im superstitious, i dont spill salt, i dont walk under ladders, i dont break mirrors, i dont want a black cat walking in front of me and i dont fool around with séances or wigi boards. if i do spill salt - i throw it over both shoulders because i cant remember if its the left or the right one.

im open to the idea of ghosts and the supernatural although i dont believe i have ever experienced it.

i do believe intuition plays strongly in this as I often have de'vu experiences that later on gets me thinking, one being getting a very strong feeling to phone my mother (which i hate to do because she drives me nuts plus i was at work) and when she answered she had just suffered a fall at home (broken arm & shoulder-8 months of therapy) and had crawled somehow to the phone for help and i rang just as she got within arms length of the phone. later on she asked "how did you know to phone me".
Interesting topic! The concept of believing in things that cannot be demonstrated to be true in any scientifically meaningfull way is something that I take interest in. Just have a look at my signature and click on the link and you will end up at "The Brights" website which will fill you in on the beliefs of this rapidly growing movement.

What is a bright?
A bright is a person who has a naturalistic worldview
A bright's worldview is free of supernatural and mystical elements
The ethics and actions of a bright are based on a naturalistic worldview

As such a Bright rejects all forms of supernatural beings, such as ghosts, spirits, fairies, elves, goblins, and of course gods of any type.

The Brights movement is very well thought out by some incredibly erudite people. Whatever your beliefs it is well worth exploring this point of view.
While I don't know what to believe (i.e. whether it was my mind playing tricks with me or not) but I do recall going to Seattle right after my cousin's funeral. He had been very sick with cancer. My 30th birthday had been just before he died and he had desperately wanted to go but could not make it. We didn't have a chance to see each other again before he died.

In any event, that night in Seattle in the hotel room I was sharing with my mother (it was a mother/daughter weekend) I woke up with a start at 2:00 am and could swear there was the shape of a man looking down at me in my bed. It seemed to be there for several seconds. Wide awake after "it" was gone, I got up to "go to the bathroom", checked the door lock on my way and checked the window (we were on the 20th floor or so). I chose not to say anything and went back to sleep (barely since I was freaked out).

The next day, completely unsolicited, my mom said to me - "call me crazy, but I woke up at 2:00 am and I swear there was a man standing next to your bed." Well at this point I confessed what I thought I had seen the night before.

When discussed, the only thing we could think of was my cousin coming to say goodbye. Don't know. Call me crazy but it was definitely weird!
I have had my fair share of encounters with "the other side". I grew up in a house that had a man who visited my sister and my room every night at 3:15 but the stranger story is the one I will tell you. And just so you know, my grandmother said that all the girls in our family were born with a cull over thier face which means they can never drown but they can also see things others can't. So with that said;

My cousin Robbie and I were very close in age and spent most of our lives hanging out. One night when I was about 18-19, I was out on a date (necking in the car) and I felt a very hard bang or push on my body like I had been hit by something. This strangely enough happened about 3ish in the morning. I didn't think much about it and went home. The next morning when I woke up and went downstairs everyone in my family were standing around looking very upset. My mom told me Robbie had been killed by a train about 3ish that morning. I didn't believe her until my Aunt drove in the yard. It was like a part of me had been taken away and it still does to this day. Now that isn't the strange part.

About 2 years later I started to have these dreams of Robbie and he was always very upset and not sure where he was. We would talk in these dreams and laugh about what we had done as kids and he seemed to realize he was dead at one point. This went on for a good 5 years. One night, he came to me and said that this would be the last time he would be seeing me and asked me to tell his parents and his little sister how much he loved her. I told him I would and then I woke up. As I woke up I found myself sitting upright in bed and there was a depression at the end of my water bed. All of a sudden what ever it was, and I am sure it was Robbie, got up and the water bed did that wave thing. Scary part coming up.

Next morning my 4 year old came to me and asked me if the man had come to see me. I asked him what man and he told me that a man had come through his window the previous night and had told him not to be afraid that he was just going to visit his mommy. This scared the you know what out of me. Feeling a little sad, I grabbed the family album and was going through it with my boy. All of a sudden we came to a picture of Robbie and my son starts yelling, "mommy, that's the man who came to see you". To this day I am sure it was my cousins final goodbye. I did tell his sister what he asked me to and we had a good cry. Now how is that for freaky? And the worse part is I have piles and piles of them.
I beleive in the supernatural. I would hate to think that this is it...would kind of be pointless just to live for a short amount of time make money and spawn for no reason.

Never had anything happen to me are some links to some of the supernatural stuff that's going on here...good post spoon

I don't know how true this is:

This house is a block away from mine, and a landmark owned by the town:

Munster - The Bieker House - The beaker house is very well known in Munster Indiana. A woman dressed in white can be seen during day or night. The house is vacant [for years],and known for it's huge red barn. It is owned by the city. As at one time, the city offered the huge house and property "rent-free" &"utility-free" to anyone willing to live in the house for the purpose of preventing vandalism to the house & grounds. No offers were ever met!

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