There is alot of 'I'm right-your wrong' here. I am amazed at the number of experts there are, on every subject under the sun. The type of mask, fins, bc, the agency you certified with, even your choice of a destination for diving. (Don't forget the spelling & grammar police) They will blather on & on about why they are right. I love the discussions, the various reasons why someone has choosen a certain something. And why others have choosen something different. I don't mind something being pointed out as being wrong or dangerous-if it truly is. But some members just seem to have made it their personal goal to be the resident expert on everything. And there are a few who have nothing of benefit to add to a topic other than "You idiot, how stupid can you be...' When I've had enough, I do the same thing as gbrandon. I don't come here for awhile.