Do we come here just to Argue?

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I havent been on this site in awhile. Been busy doing other things but have recently been diving again alot and was looking for follow up info on a Advance Nitrox class I just took.
What I found on here is just more people arguing the
"Im right and your wrong and if you dont do it my way your looking for problems"

One thread was on a pony bottle, another on smoking, and yet another on doubles configuration. Does it occur to any of you that if someone is comfortable with the setup they use and like that maybe its ok for them and what you use is ok for you? Its diving after all, not a planned trip to mars. Is it asking too much to post a message about what works good for you and why and let the reader decide the best course of action? I think people come on here either becuase they just like to hear themselves talk, or they like to argue. Or maybe both.

(but Its still the best Diving forum out there for info)

My 2 cents.
It's called discussion. If we all have the same view or we aren't going to talk about the differences in our views there just isn't much to say is there?

Diving may not be "planning a trip to mars" but it can be very exciting, fun and even dangerous. People tend to feel strongly about how they do it.
Can I get to Mars on Doubles with a Pony Bottle, If I Don't Smoke. I agree it's a discussion. Then again I'm Irish, We can disagree and Fight. LOL..

"Honor Bound to Defend Freedom"

I have seen some "disagreement and discussion" that was insulting to a member that had expressed a view or question. And, depending on the subject you can just about guess who will come in and disagree in such a manner as to be rude. With some questions posed I would rather just send a pm than get caught up in the bs I know that will ensue.
I dont have any problem with anyone taking a different view or position than mine. I always defend someone's right to be wrong.....I just see no need to do it in a name calling or condescending manner.
Well, we try to keep out any name calling.
I think people come on here either becuase they just like to hear themselves talk, or they like to argue. Or maybe both.
Some do. Then again some just come to randomly chide the rest of the people...
There's nothing wrong with being passionate about these discussions as long as you respect other's opinions. My golden rules which I try to adhere to:

1. Don't make it personal .... and ....
2. Don't take it personally.

Works great for me.
If I die with any money at all still in my bank account I know I miscalculated.
Don't worry - you're a diver - you won't!
Don't worry - you're a diver - you won't!
Agreed! The money is all in somebody else's bank account.
There is also the factor that some definitely post just to incite strong responses. I'd much rather call BS on something which is dangerous, misguided or outright wrong than to let certain posters post their drivel unchallenged. We can talk all we want about situational ethics, personal preference, freedom, etc. but...when a brand new diver asks a question and gets a totally out of left field response, I will be pleased to step up to the plate.

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