RonFrank:A bunch of GREEN scientists did a study, and came the the *surprise* conclusion that fish DO feel pain (we are NOT talking Mammals).
While I have ZERO clue about what fish feel, I do believe that studies that work on a predetermined conclusion are not going to be very accurate. I'm NOT alone in this, and while the study may have discovered that fish have some sensitivity in their mouth, and fact that they have no connection between that and their brain would indicate that they do NOT feel pain. If you doubt this ability, try some drugs. It's a VERY common practice to seperate woman from Pain during childbirth for example.
I have personally witnessed this in action, and can verify that in fact if one seperates nerves from the brain, the pain goes away....
I know I'm off subject but how's the skiing in CO this year? The east coast has been great! You coming out this way to ski?