Hmmm... interesting perception. You may be surprised to find there are many parts of the world (and parts of the States) where PP blending is the norm. I certainly was when I started asking around.amascuba:It's pretty common practice for commercial operations, such as dive shops, to use continuous mixing or membrane systems. It allows the dive shops to mix gases safer and faster. (And in all reality a monkey could use a continuous mixing or membrane system. It's about as easy as filling a tank with air. No fancy math algorithms to figure out how much o2 to put in a tank, etc)
Oxygen cleaning isn't rocket science, but if the shop is using PP blending it is necessary. As for cost, how much is your time worth? Oxygen cleaning a couple of 133's and their valves - especially if you've never done it before - could take you a couple of hours or more, to say nothing of flash rust management. At $100 I'd do it myself... at $50 I'd pay someone else to do it.