The presence of fluid in the middle ear is an indicator that there was trauma. The fluid itself most likely won't impede equalization, and if it's not infected, is unlikely to cause significant symptoms.
The issue is how it got there. It's highly likely that it was from inadequate or delayed clearing during your certification dives. If you dive again soon, the worry is that you will make the same errors and worsen the condition. Your symptoms won't resolve, and may worsen.
The key is to figure out why the original injury happened. Were you just overloaded with other issues, and you forgot to clear? What is to prevent that from happening again on your vacation? These are the questions you have to ask yourself.
The issue is how it got there. It's highly likely that it was from inadequate or delayed clearing during your certification dives. If you dive again soon, the worry is that you will make the same errors and worsen the condition. Your symptoms won't resolve, and may worsen.
The key is to figure out why the original injury happened. Were you just overloaded with other issues, and you forgot to clear? What is to prevent that from happening again on your vacation? These are the questions you have to ask yourself.