I myself have allergies pretty much non-stop. I am never far from a box of tissues and my nose is soemwhat congested and runs year round. I was very concerned when I first signed up for my O/W class that I might have troulbe equalizing due to my sinus problems. I did try a little Afrin when I first got into the pool but I have another condition that precludes my using that or any other meds to try to resolve the problem. I just live with it but when I am going to dive I use a warm salt water to flush out my sinuses and it works well and, so far (knock on wood) I have never had a problem clearing when diving. Basically I just take some salt and add to warm water and use a bulb syringe to flush out my sinuses, easy and cheaper than buying premade solutions, etc. Also works well for helping fight sinus infections & allergy symptoms.