Those of you who cruise, I have to ask if you are unaware of what the cruise lines do, or does it not matter to you?
This one simply got caught, but this is common practice, it's what they do:
Carnival slapped with a $20 million fine after it was caught dumping trash into the ocean, again
And this is what happens in order to build piers for them:
Coral dredging: 'It's going to cause irreversible damage'
Cayman's are fighting a battle now with Carnival as well because they are trying to come in with their big $$ to build piers
I find a real disconnect with divers who supposedly care about the environment but continue to cruise.
I have worked as a storm water quality insoector for 15 years and i hear it everyday *look at what they are doing".
I guess you live off the grid? Do you put hydrocarbin booms around your boat ro catch any oil sheen? I have seen all the oil in tge water when bilges are pumped out. Do you collect yours? I hear it evertday - its only a little , but your little bit times 25000 other peoples little bit adds up.
I hate cruise lines and everything they do but what are you doing to help the reef? When you wash boats and equipment where does that water go? i will be there in jan and would love to give you advice on best management practices. Quit passing the buck and do your part.. you could lead by example.
I spend 90% of my time educating people in my job.
I see so many things there that contribute to pollution. How many gallons of bleach are poured on sidewalks and then washed off to the water. There is alot that could be done there without blaming everyone else.
There are lots of places without cruise ships. Its soooo horrible you have to stay locked away at your house all day you say. Thats the stupidest crap i have heard. If your life is that bad why are you there? Just to complain i guess.
I really find a disconnect with divers who conitinue to blame others while they pollute daily.
Everyone wants to be environmentally freindly until it costs them money.