@Dave Dillehay, and all others. I carefully re-read my posts, and I did not say that dive boats pollute, or cause as much, or more damage to the reefs as do cruise ships. That would be absurd. Nor do dive boats at places like Coz, GC, and many others damage the reefs with anchors. But, I have been on dive boats in other parts of the world where the dive ops were happy to anchor on whatever they hooked their anchor to, reef or rocks. I also see a hell of a lot of crap in the ocean that did not come from cruise ships. Pollution is everyone's problem, responsibility and failure. I certainly am not blame free. I own a boat, and am fully aware that it too is likely polluting the lake where I live. But, I do keep the boat in my garage because I see the slick of oil and other petroleum products at every marina on our lake.
I was primarily responding to
@Christi's comment in post #30 "...I find a real disconnect with divers who supposedly care about the environment but continue to cruise." I should have been more specific and targeted in my posts. I cruise, drive, and fly to dive destinations, and also consider myself to be very cognizant and responsible in caring for the environment. However, with respect to cruising to dive, I also spent most of my adult life operating out of military airfields and commercial airports, and you would be appalled at the amount of pollution those facilities put into the air, ground, and water, much of which finds its way to our oceans. So, if divers are to be chastised for cruising to get to dive destinations, then we should certainly be chastised for flying to dive destinations, especially to those airports near the water (Coz, Caymans, Roatan, Bonaire, Curacao, just to name some). Furthermore, there are relatively few divers on cruise ships, and the ships are still going to Caribbean ports, whether or not any divers are on the ship, because the countries want cruise ships to come and bring thousands of tourists. As divers, we don't like the damage they do, but the politicians and businesses not associated with diving do not appear to give a damn about the environment, reefs, and wildlife.