Would you be comfortable diving off a boat in remote and isolated waters (I rarely see another vessel in the vicinity of these wrecks), with just the captain standing watch?
As a charter boat off VA?
I would simply type "NO" but the SB software requires at least five characters so I'll need to type "NO WAY" instead.
I crewed on a dive boat for six years. You need at LEAST two people to do it properly and safely. And that's just if everything runs fine. If the s**t hits the fan you'll need at least three.
You alluded to the issue of tying in... so you need at least one person there.
If a diver in the water has an issue how will ONE person:
- manage the emergency
- maneuver the boat
- coordinate with CG
- get the diver out of the water (including retrieval if unresponsive)
- render first aid
- get the boat back to the dock or CG meet-up, while continuing to render aid, etc
It ain't gonna happen.