Diving & Snorkeling in La Paz, Baja, México

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
# of dives
500 - 999
Hi everyone:
We just opened a new dive shop here in La Paz, Baja California Sur, MEXICO. We have several specials and want to invite everyone to dive with us. We also have courses from DSD to Divemaster on special prices for june & july 2006. This is the most personalized service in La Paz. We can also arrange very cool luxury or economic acommodations...

Come see the hammerheads, the mantas, whalesharks, dive with sea lions, tons of fish.
Visibility here is over 80ft, water temperature is over 25 celsius (I dive with a shorty or 3mm all season) , there are over 40 dive sites, including world famous SeaMount "El bajo" and "La Reina" or visit Espiritu Island or Cerralvo (national marine parks and world heritage UNESCO). We have fast boats and even a guide with a marine biologist master in science degree. Full NEW equipment for rent.


Email me for information.
Rafael Ortiz Rodríguez

email sent. i'm all over the hammers, whales and mantas.
no reply? hmmmmm.....hope this isn't an indication of the service we can expect.
no reply? hmmmmm.....hope this isn't an indication of the service we can expect.
Hi tiburon..
sorry, I havent received any email!
How long is the drive from Cabo San Lucas to La Pazz?
It is a 2 hour drive...
We'll wait u at La Paz
What happened to AeroCalifornia ? They used to offer very inexpensive flights for LAX to LAP. Now it looks like all flights have been cancelled. Did they go out of business ?
Yes, Aerocalifornia is out of business, the mexican federal agency that takes care of airline issues shot it down because of inconsistencies in its security. It seems that they are workin through and that aerocalifornia may re-open soon. Unfortunately it has hit very hard many La Paz city tour operators that depended on aerocalifornia flights. Particularly in La Paz, the flight LAX-LAP blew the tourism economy pretty much. There are other ways to get to La Paz, by aeromexico or maybe through Los Cabos, it is only a two hour drive from los cabos to La Paz, we can help to make the arrangements for this transportation if u want. There are many airlines that fly to Los Cabos from USA.
The diving is getting really good now, big whale sharks have been spotted at El Bajo, and there are pilot whales around the bay, the water is flat, the air is hot and the water is 70ºF and gettin warmer every week.
See jah!
Rafael Ortiz
The diving was less than thrilling due to the Red Tide........Also might as well cross Mantas off your wanted list they haven't been seen in La Paz since 2002.

I have dove La Paz in the past and was pleased, but this trip was a major disappointment as I has to wear a 7mm wetsuit due to the cold water and that red tide.....but that is Mother nature for ya....

Hopefully Aero California will be back soon, that drive to La Paz from Cabo sucks

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