diving lawyers ... advice needed

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Port Arthur Texas
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1000 - 2499
we are having a heated discussion on the obligations of Dacor for not supporting their "lifetime warranty" for the Pacer line of regulators. Please read the thread "dumped on by diving companies again" and let us have your thoughts ....
Just to be clear, if you are seeking actual legal counsel to assist you with a case or in figuring out if you have a case you should contact an attorney privately. This board is meant for information and idea discussion, not actual legal advice and no attorney can properly advise you with limited information found on this forum alone, although you are free to discuss it to the end of time!
what is it about americans and everything ending in a lawsuit.

have you read their terms of service in detail?
I'm not looking to hire a lawyer. Remember the movie where the guy goes to the window and yells out "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore". I'm not quite that bad. I'm hopeing that enought divers (lawyers included) will give there views so we may make DACOR to rethink their policy. For too long the american people have put up with corperate misconduct that effected their life. DACOR not suppling parts for regulators is another slap in our faces. Where does it end. If Dacor had gone out of business or was split up and sold off in parts or reincorporated under a different name i probably wouldn't have gotten upset. I not mad at Mares because they no longer make parts for my 60's Voit singlehose. It only had a 1 year warranty and they never promised anything after that . In that case Mares changed the name of the company and started over . Dacor was a strong independent company . They made excellent products and wanted to build customer loyality by providing service. Notice also I not yelling about no parts for my Dacor doublehose ...... once again Dacor never promised parts forever on that model. What gets me is their current disreguard of all their loyal customers who for years supported them by buying there products. If you read my thread so see I even talked to a Dacor rep several years ago at SEASPACE that assured me that Dacor would continue to support their products. I would love a "lawyer to look at this and agree with me that their "limited lifetime warranty" was an expressed or implied "contract" to supply parts to the original purchaser of their product. Now that the "big boys" have changed chairs in the boardroom it seems that honoring their previous comments doesn't mean anything to them. But alis I'm only one voice in the crowd. i do not have the means to pursue this any farther than what i have and this will probably be my last post on the situatuion. Lawyers ... sueing ... sometimes it does happen and it's not always bad. Question : how would you feel if SEARS announced that they would no longer honor the "lifetime warranty" on Craftsman tools ........... would that situation be any different than what Dacor has done. As for me I have chosen not to purchase products from Dacor and would encourage my fellow divers to do the same.
Dacor doesn't exist anymore as an independent company. It is now only a name and possibly some designs owned by the parent company of Mares.

Perhaps scubapro50 should purchase the rights to the Dacor name from Head. Then he could run things in his new company as he sees fit.
i don't care for lifetime warranties anyhow.

save your energy to go diving and try not to get too worked up.
I just looked at my AMF Voit Swimaster Polaris II regulator, circa 1970. It clearly states on the 2nd stage purge plate, "Made in USA."

I doubt Mares, an Italian company, ever made this for AMF Voit. That's why they couldn't supply parts. It's akin to asking Sherwood to supply parts for Nemrod equipment.
I just looked at my AMF Voit Swimaster Polaris II regulator, circa 1970. It clearly states on the 2nd stage purge plate, "Made in USA."

I doubt Mares, an Italian company, ever made this for AMF Voit. That's why they couldn't supply parts. It's akin to asking Sherwood to supply parts for Nemrod equipment.

No doubt about it.... Voit had a long hiostory at that point of selling regs that were essentially licenced copies of other regs. The Voit 50 fathom for example was a US Diver's Mistral with some cosmetic changes.

That is however the critical difference. Dacor was one of the few companies in business with uniques designs and dedicated production arragements. Mares acquiring Dacor, and their lifetime warranty commitments, was different than Mares acquiring a company that only marketed other companies designs with no lifetime warranty expressed or implied.

Now, if Mares had only bought Dacor's physical assets rather than the company itself it would have been different as Dacor would have essentially ceased to exist. But Mares bought Dacor lock stock and barrel, took advantage of it's name and reputation, and continues to market it's products and existing stock under the Dacor name. They take advantage of the Dacor name but then decline to honor Dacor committments? Personally I think that is wrong, and I will personally not buy products from Mares or Dacor.
underwater daphne:
what is it about americans and everything ending in a lawsuit.

have you read their terms of service in detail?

Yeah did you notice that!!??!! "Who's fault was it that Al Queada attacked the WTC on 9-11?". Was it Clinton, Bush, New York City, Secretary of State???? Somebody has to be at fault so we can sue them.

The answer about who was at fault can not be Bin Ladin because we can't sue him. If we find him then we will sue his butt, then we will give him a fair trial.
Yeah did you notice that!!??!! "Who's fault was it that Al Queada attacked the WTC on 9-11?". Was it Clinton, Bush, New York City, Secretary of State???? Somebody has to be at fault so we can sue them.

The answer about who was at fault can not be Bin Ladin because we can't sue him. If we find him then we will sue his butt, then we will give him a fair trial.


i'm serious about my remark.

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