Diving in La.

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
N.E. Pa, & Florida
# of dives
200 - 499
Hello I'm looking for some help from La divers,
I'm thinking about a carreer in Commercial Diving and Underwater Welding.
Does anyone know how good the education is at the Morgan City La school? I was shocked at how much lower the course was. Hows the recreational Diving in the area as there will be alot of free time as the school is 6 months. anyone know of any good dive shops and dive boats in the area of Morgan City La
Not really any recreational diving in the area. Best you can do is hook up with one of the few boats that run out of Venice. They are typically going to the rigs for some of the most unbelievable spearfishing you could ever imagine! If you are into spearfishing....you'll be in hog heaven!

Sorry, don't know anything about the school but can agree with Dave there is little diving in LA. You have to take a nice long drive on I10 to flordia like the rest of us.
Young's education is top notch, you'll be just as employable as having spent $10000 more at some of the other schools.
As already pointed out, oil rigs or the drive to FL Panhandle are your main sport diving options. If you're into spearfishing, you'll be in prime territory. You might want to check out "Helldivers' Rodeo": http://www.amazon.com:80/exec/obido...&camp=1793&link_code=st1&path=ASIN/1590770056

If you establish CA residency you can get into Santa Barbara cheap, & it has a MUCH better "social setting" for fun diving, etc.
Dirving all the way to Fl. would be nice but Lake DeGray in Ark. is very beautiful and peaceful and a little closer. That where I took my certification dives. Its cool.
Check out some of the shops in New Orleans. They may have some trips set up that are going to the rigs.
The good news is that is a great school for commercial diving.
More good news is that (checking yoru profile) you are a weldor. It is easier to teach a weldor to dive than to teach a diver to weld.

The bad news is your age. Hmm, did I really need to point that out? sorry
The problem is no one will send you deep over 40.
The good news again, most welding is done shallow.
I went to young memorial in la. and the only thing I can say about it is that it is the 1 good choice I made getting into this career. All the other schools will try and sell you on their own school and try to get you to pay extra for uneeded certification as a dmt or ndt. While these are good to know most of the companies around here will train you to do that themeselves if they require it. Why not have them pay you for the training instead of the other way around. Besides, many of the big players are based right in this area and you can probably find a part time job working in their shops while your still in school. The only thing you need out of dive school is your adc certification card. This is a very tough industry and it makes me sick to see a new tender show up with 10 to 20 thousand dollars worth of student loans to repay only to be ground up and spit out a week later. You do realize I hope that you will be a tender for 2 to 3 years at many of these companies before you are a diver. The reason for this is they have no shortage of divers but their is a great turnover for tenders. I graduated dive school with 24 others and today I would say their are maybe 4 of us still in the business. Good luck!

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