A key question in this discussion is what it is you're trying to do with this physical/medical exam/workup. Let's say you impose a requirement on every diver on Earth, whereby the diver has a face-to-face interview, physical exam and lab work with a Physician or Advanced Nurse Practitioner. Presumably, this will inform the patient (diver) his/her risk factors relevant to scuba diving, and provide a directive (medical opinion) that the person may or (in the caregiver's opinion, rooted in a value system) should not dive.
But that's a tool in a process, not the goal. For those who receive a directive not to dive, is your goal to...
1.) Inform the diver so he or she can make a personal decision to dive or not?
2.) To inform some authoritative body (e.g.: deny a certification) to stop them from diving, whether they want to stop or not?
Who are we requiring this info. to empower? The diver, or Big Brother?
But that's a tool in a process, not the goal. For those who receive a directive not to dive, is your goal to...
1.) Inform the diver so he or she can make a personal decision to dive or not?
2.) To inform some authoritative body (e.g.: deny a certification) to stop them from diving, whether they want to stop or not?
Who are we requiring this info. to empower? The diver, or Big Brother?