Diving during the menstrual cycle???

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Fort Lauderdale
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50 - 99
My girlfriend said she heard that women aren't supposed to dive during menstruation and I never heard anything about this. To put her mind at ease....can anyone shed some light on this. Any information is helpful - thanks.
well i have...and its never been a problem or issue....but thats just personal experience, not medical fact. I would think as long as she feels well...as on any day for a dive....it would not make a difference. Perhaps she is uncomfortable diving while menstrating.
This topic has been discussed many times here -- you might want to try searching the archives for thorough coverage of the issue. So, Anecdotaly, I will simply say that I just returned from a dive trip with a group of eight women. Several of the women were menstruating and none of them hesitated to dive 2 or 3 dives a day for six days. Additionally, the trip included a number of shark encounters and there was no noticable difference in shark behavior towards any of the participants, nor did the shark behavior differ from typically described shark behavior.
Additionally, the trip included a number of shark encounters and there was no noticable difference in shark behavior towards any of the participants, nor did the shark behavior differ from typically described shark behavior.

I wouldn't worry at all. I've never encountered any problem doing it while at that time of month. Tell her not to worry at all.
Also check this website out. It has a whole presentation about it.

She needn't worry, just depending how long the charter is she should make sure she has spares with her.
I know thisj has been discussed but I wanted to shed a new light on it if possible. Try a product called a diva cup. It is a small cup that fits inside, no strings and no need to change it for about 6-8 hours. I have used mine several times while diving and never had any problems. The product is great in general and is a very health promoting idea. No bleached cotton, just a little cup that does not leak, only needs to be dumped and replaced every 6-8 hours deppending on your flow
My girlfriend said she heard that women aren't supposed to dive during menstruation and I never heard anything about this. To put her mind at ease....can anyone shed some light on this. Any information is helpful - thanks.

HI there, I am Natasha. During my first open sea accesment, I have to go with my tampon on since I found it very emberassing to tell my other 5 guy buddies that to postpone our trip due to that minor problem.. Furthermore, I was too eager to get myself certified! :11ztongue
HOwever, if your galfriend not very heavy type, I mean blood flow, and she is not too weak to do those phisical activities... by all means, I don't see why shouldn't we do diving?
After that incident, I had talk to my gynae and she advise me not to use tampon cause it might intro an opening to the sea water, in fact the pressure inder the water will stop the flow it self. But things get quite messy after we get out from the water.
My elder sister also input facts that if the diving spot that we are visiting not having any possibility to attract killer shark etc.
thus, enjoy diving but without making ourself feeling bad.
God bless.
i have never had any problems. i usually take clothes to change into right after the second dive otherwise I stay in my swimsuit until I get home. I dive in Hawaii where there are sharks around and have never seen any abnormal behavior from any of the sealife.

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