diving down at the keys

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Evansville, Indiana
My wife and I have got the cabin fever Big time. We found some great prices on air travel and are hitting the Key Largo area the week of April 15.

We're pumped; the next couple weeks are going to be long with the anticipation. One question I have for you experienced folks is; has the size of carry on baggage changed since 9-11. The last time we flew to the Keys we had a large enough carry-on bag for both the BC and our regulators. Is this possible now?

We’re familiar with the area, we dived there last September, but I’m open to suggestions as to things or sites to see.

Yes that’s September 2001, we were on our dive boat when we heard about the disaster, and I can’t say I’m not nervous about going back down there.
As long as it fits under your seat or in the overhead...the size is still the same. However...don't be surprised if they unscrew all your hoses and look inside...actually..they'll probably be happy with just x-raying them...but I would sure allow some extra time. They've damn near strip searched me several time and I am female, 52 and squatty..
I work for Delta Air Lines in Atlanta, and can tell you it is a MESS! Carry-on luggage size has not changed, so no worries there. However, with these new federal screeners they have, they think they own you. Be prepared to have them force you to check your regulator. Not becuase of the airlines policy, but simply because of the security checkpoint not letting you trough with it. In most cases you will be fine, and the regulators will be let through once you explain what they are. However, if you get some idiot who is doing the screening, they might have a problem. Argue with them about it and yor trip just became the trip from hell. If they give you a hard time, quietly and calmly explain what they are. If you still have problems ask them if they could get an ok for it to pass from their supervisor. Do not just say, "I want to speak to your supervisor!" They will get very defensive. Simply say, Would you mind asking your supervisor if it is ok. There are a lot of screeners on power trips. Good Luck. Have fun in the keys you lucky dog.
Hello Jef,
My wife and I flew to Grand Turk via Raliegh, NC through Miami Int'l and Provo in Feb 2002. This was our first flight since 9-11. We expected the worst and found it wasn't that bad although is was very tight security wise. We each had our carryon luggage(which barely fits in the "Your carryon baggage must fit in here" rack) and had our regs and dive computers. My carryon also had my u/w camera and strobe. The security at Raleigh airport had two checkpoints. The first was the typical, all bags(including Laptops) through the xray and you went through the walk through. Needless to say, our bags were selected to inspect(happened even before 9-11). They opened and inspected each item, made you turn on the computers, opened the u/w camera(I had not loaded film or installed o-rings), then body wanded you and checked your shoes for explosive residue. Then we were off to the gate. At the gate you were randomly selected when you gave your boarding pass to the attendant. Again, your carryon was opened and inspected and you were body wanded. We saw this process at each airport we passed through. The main thing is to be calm and do what they ask. You do not want to give the inspectors a reason to think you are up to something. We saw one man giving the inspector some grief over opening his baggage, and he was quickly escorted away from the security area. Wonder if he made his filght? As for the size of carryon to hold two BC's and two regs, I didn't see any bags that size being carried on to the flights we had. I think the size limit itself hasn't changed so if you made it on your return trip after 9-11 you may be ok this trip.
We are in envy of your trip April 15. ;-0 We have to wait until May 18 for our annual trip to Cozumel. It can't get here too soon. Good luck on your trip and dive safe. Give us a trip report when you return.
Thanks for your input folks, it makes us feel better.

We each had a bag that held our own BC and Regulator and it fit fine in the overhead.

I'll let you know how the dives go.;)

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