Care to elaborate on that? Since I already have tickets it's too late to cancel
Okay, after Hurricaine Wilma several different airlines cancelled on me and I rescheduled several different times. Finally everything settled out and I got tickets on Continental. We planned to stay in Coz Dec 5 through 12.
Two days before my departure date, Continental called to inform me that they had cancelled my flights and I needed to reschedule with them.
However, the new Contental tickets were $250 more than my original Continental tickets, and all the flights were already almost full.
I was able reschedule a flight to Coz on Dec 5th, as originally planned. Got the "last two seats" of the flight. (However, when we flew to Coz, the flight was only 2/3 full.)
However, most of the return flights to Houston were already booked, according to Continental. I was given only two options: Dec 8th or Dec 15th.
So we booked for Dec 15, got the "last two seats" on the flight. But that flight time was changed and now arrived in back Houston too late for me to make any of the Continental connections back to Pittsburgh.
Continental refused to put me up in Houston that night.
Continental refused to refund the last part of my ticket so that I could catch another airline flight to Pittsburgh that night.
So I had to get a hotel in Houston at my expense and fly home the next day.
BTW, I'll be posting my post-Wilma Cozumel photos early next week.