Diving and Thinning Hair

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If she doesn't need a hood or beanie for warmth, there are lots of cute do-rags available. Some have a pocket to corral long hair; all of them keep hair out of your face and protect hair and scalp from the sun, and come in many colors and patterns. The Scuba-do rag has a ponytail pocket (I used to use one when my hair was long). There's also the Dee-rag (made by an SB-er; I'm sure somebody has the link), and tube shaped do-rags available at sporting goods stores like REI. A bandanna can work too, but cotton takes forever to dry.
Another advantage is, you can always find her under water!
It's funny how aspects of how we look are exposed around diving. Getting in and out of that wetsuit shows everyone what kind of shape we're really in. You come out of the dive with a mask ring embedded into your face and snot running down your lips. You hair is a wild mess (if you still have it).

But pretty soon you realize that there are (usually) no super models on dive boats. We're all just people, with blotchy skin or love handles or thinning hair or whatever. It isn't a competition to be on Deal or No Deal, it's just regular folks going diving.

When someone says to another diver, "You sure looked good in the water," the comment is always about diving skills, not fashion.
You are so right, Rick. I feel so silly now for having bought that pin-striped wetsuit because it looked slimming.
Rick Inman:
When someone says to another diver, "You sure looked good in the water," the comment is always about diving skills, not fashion.

Gotta disagree with you on this one. Women look their sexiest while diving, just after a dive is a close second.
But pretty soon you realize that there are (usually) no super models on dive boats. We're all just people, with blotchy skin or love handles or thinning hair or whatever. It isn't a competition to be on Deal or No Deal, it's just regular folks going diving.

When someone says to another diver, "You sure looked good in the water," the comment is always about diving skills, not fashion.

WHAT You mean they didn't mean I actually looked good :( Dag nab it :(
...hey that was Miley Cyrus from Vanity Fair.
Not to hijack your post, but I have to share this.
I didn't know I had a bald spot till I had seen pics. of myself diving in Cancun last year.
Jim Breslin, 51 yrs old with a bald spot.

LOL - circa 6 years ago I didn't either till my wife and I got pictures back from our honeymoon. Apparenly some guy that looks A LOT like me was petting some dogs in Puerto Rico and my wife snapped a photo of him. Poor guy is missing a lot of hair on the crown of his head....:D

Brian - 32 with a bald spot
i second the do-rag idea for your wife.

and second the notion that if your buddies love you with snotsicles, they really love you.

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