Diving and Thinning Hair

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My wife wants to get certified, but she hates the way her hair looks when it is wet. Her hair is thinning a bit, which embarrasses her. On land she frequently wears a hat to hide her thinning hair. Is there anything she can wear while diving that will fashionably cover her hair?

Thank you.
This may not be fashionable but....:D


Seriously though, there are lots of beanies and hoods available for her. She can always change back to a hat on the boat.

My wife wants to get certified, but she hates the way her hair looks when it is wet. Her hair is thinning a bit, which embarrasses her. On land she frequently wears a hat to hide her thinning hair. Is there anything she can wear while diving that will fashionably cover her hair?

Thank you.

Doo-rags are popular with some...Here's a pic of my my wife wearing one(click link, can't get it to load here in the post), thanks to Susan6868.....Can be used for your wife's cause, warmth, or sun protection(UW even)....

I've seen a lot of bandanas out there, mostly on bald men; I'll bet your wife could pull that look off a lot better.
Not to hijack your post, but I have to share this.
I didn't know I had a bald spot till I had seen pics. of myself diving in Cancun last year.
Jim Breslin, 51 yrs old with a bald spot.
Happens to the best(of us) JB.......

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