In terms of the ramifications of NHL therapy, the questions are related to cardio pulmonary function.
While the possible adverse affects of radiation and antineoplastic agents upon cardiorespiratory fitness, and more specifically pulmonary function and anatomy, are critical to consider, there are other questions as well.
The ability of an immune system compromised by CA treatment to rise to the challenges of diving in pathogen-laced waters is not a trivial matter. Both bacterial (e.g.,
Staph, Strep) and protozoal (e.g.,
Naegleria, Acanthamoeba) infection are a real concern.
Other body systems can be adversely impacted as well and have implications for SCUBA. I'll just quickly mention the effects of chemo on the GI tract, which commonly include diarrhea that can predispose to dehydration.
Then of course there's the weariness, weakness, lack of energy, general malaise, and
trouble thinking/concentrating/remembering that frequently accompany a treatment regimen such as is described by the OP.
As an aside, if lung scarring is suspected, the battery of diagnostic tests should include a high-resolution CAT scan.
Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler. Albert Einstein