Diving Akumal, Tulum, Cozumel?

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Hello. We are renting home in Soliman Bay near Tulum in June/July. Three of us (myself, DH, and newly certified 13-yr-old son) would like to spend a few days diving. Is it worth the trip to Cozumel or is diving Akumal nearly as good. I've heard Cozumel is much better. Any suggestions would be appreciated (along with dive shop recommendations). Also, is diving a cenote too risky for a newly certified diver?

thanks so much for any help in this matter!!!
I would not take a newly certified diver into the cenotes, for a number of reasons. The biggest one is that you don't have any idea how a newly certified diver will cope with a problem while diving -- If a mask floods, or a regulator begins to breathe wet, and the diver bolts for the surface while in an overhead environment, you have a recipe for an accident. Second, the cenotes are a very fragile environment. Unlike a reef, where healing may be slow but is going to occur, the caves will bear the marks of our errors in buoyancy and positioning forever. I think the cenote dives are absolutely fabulous, but I think people ought to wait until they have the experience and the skills to do them safely and with respect for their beauty.

Diving off the mainland is somewhat different from diving in Cozumel. You don't tend to have the 100 foot viz, but you may have more larger animals (turtles and sharks, for example, and tarpon). I haven't done any open water diving from the mainland, but my husband has, and he enjoyed it. Given the hour's drive to Playa from Tulum, and the need to find parking and hike gear to the ferry, the half hour ride across on the ferry, and the fact that most Cozumel dive ops go out fairly early in the morning, I think it would be pretty reasonable to sacrifice the viz for a much more convenient dive experience -- unless you were planning on going over and spending two or three days on the island.

I can recommend Aquanauts in Puerto Aventuras as a dive op. My husband has been out with them, and thought they ran a good operation, and he enjoyed it.
Hi Quinranda- I did this trip last June. We stayed in Akumal where there are 3 dive ops. Diving in Akumal is literally as easy as falling off a log. Very easygoing and a wonderful way for your son to get some valuable experience. The divemasters are very attentive and helpful. However, DON'T MISS COZUMEL!! It is world class diving and the color, animal life and reef structures will blow your mind. I did a day trip, taking the 7am ferry from Playa to Cozumel and dove with Aldora Divers. With a threesome, you should be able to find a number of dive ops in Cozumel willing to work with you on a late morning departure. Enjoy! I will be returning to Akumal and Cozumel next June. Can't wait!!!
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Akumal is beautiful area and you are going to have a great time. The diving is not anything close to the quality of Cozumel diving though. The reef is stressed from all of the development in the area and you will not see a lot of fish and some dead coral. But for a new diver, it will be great. Your son will see enough new things underwater that he is going to have a blast. I would suggest diving in Akumal first and if you wanted to take the time to dive in Coz, I would do that later in your trip. You probably will not want to make the trek over there more than once and if you dive there first, you will be dissapointed in you Akumal diving. Cozumel is wonderful and if you are ok with the long day of running around, it will be worth it.

As for the cenote diving, I agree with everything that TS & M said. They are something to be experienced and maybe you and your DH can dive them if you feel comfortable leaving your son alone for three or four hours.

Also, check La Buena Vida for a good meal and fun beach bar atmosphere.

Have fun.

We just spent a week in Akumal. We dove there 4 times and a cenote and took a day trip to Cozumel and did two dives. The reef in Coz was much more brilliant and vibrant and the fish were bigger, but we saw jsut as many fish in Akumal. We saw a shark and turtle in Coz, in Akumal we saw tons of turtles, rays, barracuda's and a Moray eel. Here's a link to a video of our last dive in Akumal. There are some still pics of Coz in the album also. I second the advice on La Buena Vida. It truly is the good life!!!

15032009.flv video by UTpowhnd - Photobucket
Hello. We are renting home in Soliman Bay near Tulum in June/July. Three of us (myself, DH, and newly certified 13-yr-old son) would like to spend a few days diving. Is it worth the trip to Cozumel or is diving Akumal nearly as good. I've heard Cozumel is much better. Any suggestions would be appreciated (along with dive shop recommendations). Also, is diving a cenote too risky for a newly certified diver?

thanks so much for any help in this matter!!!

First, welcome to Scubaboard! You have gotten great advise so far. One thing that I would add, is that not all newly certified divers are created equal. Some are fish right out of OWC and some are nearly hopeless like I was. See how your son is doing toward the end of the trip. Some of the more 'open' cenotes might be alright for him to dive. I am thinking about Dos Ojos. Pretty wide passages, lot of light, but TSandM is absolutely right about how he handles himself if things go south. A cenote dive is an excellent 'gear wash dive' at the end of your visit.

Also, June/July is turtle nesting season for the area. Be careful about leaving your lights on at night. The lights can confuse the turtles. You might also want to check with Centro Ecologico: Akumal, Mexico, Ocean Research, Environmental Education, Sea Turtle Protection, Marine Research . Great group of volunteers who work to protect the turtles in the area. They are deserving of our support and I think that they still do 'turtle walks' at night to mark new nests and collect hatching turtles. You and your son will have a much greater appreciation of sea turtles after you spend an evening with them. Besides, its also a nice way to spend an evening. Have a great trip.

Edit, close the blinds or curtains in rooms with the lights on and don't leave any outside lights on at night. The ocean is generally the brightest thing at night and the turtles are hardwired to head that way, especially hatchlings.
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Hi. Another cenote that is a possibility if your son is comfortable in the water towards the end of the trip is Garden of Eden. It too had very wide passages. I wound up with a group of less experienced divers and they did fine in that cavern. It's a little north of Akumal. To go to Coz would make for a REALLY long day. We hit a lot of traffic coming and going into Playa del Carmen, so it took closer to 45 min or an hour to get to and from Akumal (we got back yesterday from our vacation).
Thanks to everyone here for your GREAT advice. I think we'll dive in Akumal first and try to dive one day in Cozumel toward the end of the trip. Since we're travelling with a larger group, we shouldn't have trouble leaving our son behind for the cenote if we chose to do it, sounds pretty cool.

Does anyone recommend a specific dive shop in Akumal or Cozumel? Also, is it safe to park rental car at the ferry in PDC? Thanks again. This really helps us plan our trip and will make my son's first scuba expereince really special (especially since his cert dives will be in a cold quarry !!).

Also, dive video was awesome, thanks for sharing!!!
No problem, I think it's Jaurez you turn onto off of 307 as your coming into Playa from Akumal. That goes down to a turn around where all the cabs stop and wait. The ferry is a couple blocks from there. We used a lot just above the turn around on your left side as your driving towards the ferry. I think it cost us $7-8 US for the entire day and it was gated with an attendant there all day.

If you do a cenote without your son I would try Dos Ojos with Hidden Worlds and ask for Victor. It's $50.00 each for the 40 - 50 minute dive and worth 20 times that for what you'll see.

We used the Akumal Dive Shop for all our dives in Akumal. They took good care of us. I highly recommend BETO. Akumal Dive Center also comes highly recommended. I think we will try them next time.
Quinranda - There are MANY good dive ops in Cozumel. There are also MANY discussions of the various ops in the Cozumel subforum. I suggest you spend an evening and browse through them. I had 3 criteria I applied last June:
1) 120 cuft steel tanks. (more air=more fun)
2) 6-8 diver max per boat (fewer divers=more fun)
3) Ability to accommodate my arrival ~8am via ferry
Figure out what you want and then start contacting the ops with a good rep on this board. Your choices will soon become more clear.

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