With the passing of the seasons first good rain event it is appropriate to remind everyone to think about the hazards that could be encountered during a dive.
Early runoff from streets and storm drains will carry oils, pesticides and other contaminates into the creeks, rivers terminating in the ocean.
As the rainy season becomes mature agricultural runoff, fecal material and high levels of bacterial contamination can be expected.
If you MUST dive it is suggested
* A week be allowed after the OK for ocean to purge it's self of near shore and off shore contaminates
* Avoid diving in the near shore waters near the creeks and streams emptying into the ocean
* After a questionable dive always wash with soap and water as soon as possible.
* Immediately rise the inner ear canal with appropriate anti- bacterial solution
* Make a concerted effort not to ingest any water you have been diving in or have made contact.
* Routinely check any cuts and scrapes for redness and swelling that may indicate infection. If persists suggest seeking medical assistance.
* Monitor long term coughs and irritated throats which are often a result of contaminated water diving.
Enjoy but be careful after a big rain that produces excessive run off..remember it is not the local runoff but that run off with it's origin many miles inland...in Riverside county and points inland that brings the bad stuff to the ocean