Among other joint replacements, I had one hip replaced twice (1st implant was defective and recalled), and have had no problems diving. I do have a few suggestions. Chose your orthopedic surgeon carefully. Pick one that specializes in hips, does a lot of them, and has great current reviews. Follow your orthopedic surgeon's instructions, especially do the physical therapy and follow precautions as directed, even if it hurts (and it will), and don't try to hurry the healing process. Finally, keep the incision clean and dry until the wound is healed. Some surgeons are a bit optimistic about when you can shower/bathe, but now I always followed the advice from my sister, who used to do wound care at a major hospital in Houston, and frequently had to deal with wound infections caused by patients getting the wound wet before it was sufficiently healed . Her guidance to me was "...surgeons use a boiler plate guidance for when you can shower/bathe, but not all patients heal at the same rate, so whatever you do, do not get the wound wet until the incision is healed regardless of what the surgeon tells you." The only time I failed to follow her guidance was after a knee replacement when I was hot to get back to snorkeling as a means to rebuild the leg muscles for diving, and just as she predicted, I had a problem.