Diving a week from Singapore - best and easiest places?

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2 hours via budget regional airline will get you to a lot of great diving destinations.


Fly direct Singapore to Clark (Manila). 30 mins drive on the SLEX and you are Subic Bay. USS New York (WW1-2) Armored Cruiser is 5 minutes from the jetty. Leave Singapore at 7am..and you could be on one of the best wreck dives in the world by lunchtime!

Singapore to Cebu. Taxi/Ferry to Malapasua. Wake up the next morning and see your first Thresher sharks...and some mantas...

Singapore to Tawau. Taxi to Semporna. Boat to Mabul. Enjoy a nice evening dive with the Mandarin Fish. Wake up early in the AM, for short boat ride to Sipidan where you will see more sharks, turtles, barracuda, snapper and humphead parrotfish that you thought could exist. Be aware - you need to pre-book your Sipidan permits!
If you want to stay in Singapore, there is Pulau Hantu.
But it isn't half as beautiful as the Malaysia Islands like Pulau Redang Island, Pulau Tioman Island and Pulau Sibu Island.

These Malaysia Islands are easily accessible by a private transport service that will pick you up from your doorstep in Singapore. You will reach the ferry terminal jetty in Malaysia in 2-3 hours, depending on traffic conditions. From the ferry terminal, just hop on a ferry to reach the island you want! You can buy the ferry tickets online also, to play safe. No need to take an aeroplane. Flight is quite expensive and not THAT much faster to justify the additional costs.

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