Divers Killed by Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

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Please do not misunderstand me. I do not expect to get the answers
to this tragedy from a message board. I considered one of the men
my friend.
Here is my problem with this thread which is an exercise in speculation
in the guise of a discussion of the effects of co2 poisoning.
Title: Divers Killed by Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Read the ENTIRE 1st post.
Read the ENTIRE 7th post.
A discussion about co2 effects is valid. This thread is not.
Personally I would like to see this thread completely deleted and
the thread starter asked to restart it AS a discussion about the effects
of co2. Just my 2 cents, thanks for listening and please drive through.
Here is my problem with this thread which is an exercise in speculation
in the guise of a discussion of the effects of co2 poisoning..

FWIW, you have my sympathies about the death of your friend.

But personally, I think speculation does help. It might not help you in seeking the answers, but speculation helps us think. It helps us think about how an accident such as what is speculated could happen to us, it helps us be aware of possible scenarios to watch out for, it helps us undestand what could have happened... correct or not.

A good example of this has occurred on another board. A diver ran into a case of 'bad air', thankfully with no dire consequences. There was much discussion, sometimes a little ugly, on the board about the whole instance. Another member, a scientist, picked up the ball and ran with it, and has spent untold hours researching the connection between Toluene contamination and compressors. And it's my understanding that his research is still continuing.
Originally posted by DVRCARRIB: In light of recent Roatan reports of 2 diver deaths on the same dive from "bad air"

What "reports".

"There is some speculation that a batch of tanks were CO contaminated (allegedly)"

Does this mean that the Alleged Report is Speculative? :06:

FOUNDATIONER, please share any facts that contradict anything I have posted. The words "speculation" and "allegedly" were choosen for me by a moderator. (see the little note at the bottom of my original post and you will see the reference to it being edited.)
I appriciated the edit then, as I do now, it reflects a political correctness and legal perspective that I sometimes overlook. It was a better solution than the one you proposed....Quote from you: "Personally I would like to see this thread completely deleted ....."
Why kill a good thread? .....There are lots of views expressed here and on the internet that I don't fully agree with. Engage and enlighten when you personally encounter these, don't just kneejerk respond with a call for censorship and suppression.
I am trying to learn and maybe save a life by educating myself and my fellow divers.

I was in Roatan, at the alleged resort. I have also spoken directly with one of the victims family members who is also employed at the resorts dive shop and has 1st hand knowledge of the unfortunate alleged events. I check all my own tanks for CO now. It takes just a few seconds. It might save my life. This is what I have learned.
Obviously I have no facts to dispute your story or I would not have asked
"what reports". Since there are apparently no "reports", that would make
it "hearsay".

Thread: Divers Killed by Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.

This is the ONLY place I have seen this. You may want to be careful, you
may get folks you care about in trouble if there is truth in the thread title,
because this surely is not official public knowledge.
My sympathies for your loss.

Keep in mind the chemical formula / abbreviation for carbon monoxide is CO (mon-oxide = one oxygen). CO2 is carbon dioxide (a product of normal respiration) which is tolerated physiologically at higher concentrations than carbon monoxide. Your posts seem to mix the two and causes me some confusion personally.

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