FTR, what was reported (and what I've been told separately) is that he was joining a Meetup group. The group apparently was there and dove. (Not sure how many in the group.) According to people in the group, they never saw him. What's not been reported is whether or not the spot where his car was found was near the meeting place or entry point for the Meetup dive. I'd be curious to know that detail, since it might shed light on whether he was in the wrong spot or whether he arrived late (or early or on the wrong date) or whether someone's not telling the truth about him showing up and entering with them.
I certainly have no problem with qualified divers choosing to dive solo. However, personally, I will never do a solo dive from the beach. Boats??? No problem.
The reason is that I'm relatively certain that if something were to go wrong, I will be able to cause myself to end up at the surface, whether conscious or unconscious. (And I reaslize not everyone wil agree with the merits of my underlying assumption but I'd rather not get into a debate about those.) On a boat, we've got people (DMs) who are looking at the water and constantly scanning for problems so I'm comfortable that I'll be spotted and that if I've got a chance to survive, the DM response will give that to me.
On a beach, howver, that's usually not the case. Many beaches here in SoCal are ungaurded. And even at the ones that are, the lifeguards are more likely paying attention to a relatively small area that's relatively close to shore. This is not a knock against the lifeguards, just the nature of the beast. They may not be watching a couple of hundred yards offshore where a diver in trouble might surface.
So personally for me, I'm not at all a fan of solo beach diving and I try to discourage people who ask me about it from doing that for the reasons cited above.
- Ken