I've never seen a Captain who is in such a hurry that he can't actually take the time to make sure everyone is on the boat. Tales a lot less time than a search.
And NEVER ends up in the newspaper.

Frankly (see what I did there?) I think the way you do it is the best, and I've adopted it myself For those who have not dove with Frank, after each dive on the Spree Frank personally takes roll by walking up to each diver, signing them back on the boat and - while looking them in the eye and checking them out - asks them "how was your dive, everything OK?" He won't take your best friend's word that you are in the head or even you calling out "here" from your bunk. He doesn't just care that you're back on the boat... but that you're actually OK. Not just that you SAY you're OK, or even THINK you're OK. He want's to make sure for himself.