actually i am serious. not all the DMs i've dived with had SMBs. but we do normally surface near the boat. if not, i try to hear if a boat's coming.
so am i gonna die?
maybe i should go ahead and pull the trigger on that SMB i was eyein online.
I try to give you a serious answer too.
you should have a SMB just in case you are separated from your group and all other "what if..." cases.
you should learn to use it and shoot it up from safety stop depth. (many diver carry one but have no clue how to deploy it. pumping it up at the surface won't help much, when a boat comes in fast.
Make sure your line is long enough... 5 meter-lines are not even enough for simple bondage games, neither they are for divers. Why ? you will find out when a strong surface wind/current goes in another direction than the watercurremt at 5 meters depth. get a 30 meter spool, easy to carry, handle and no knots.
practice often, until you are sure that you don't shoot yourself up....entangled in line and SMB. ( i did it

... during my DM course from the Dry Dock in PG and video-Rob has it on video)
At the end of the day it's not my life, so I actually can't say if you should have one as I don't know how much you hang on your life...
another great recreational activity for real bravehearts ... bungeejumping- unplugged