Diver Indicted in 2003 GBR mishap

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Even when they are accusing you of murder? Wow, you are a saint. I would find that a little difficult to do.

I'm certainly NO Saint, Crimson Ghost nailed it on the head, I recently watched an interview with the father, and yes unfortunately it was on Nancy Grace one late evening while taking a break from my busy emergency department, and the father appears to only want what was right, He was far less judgemental with gabe then us so under these circumstances I feel that I would indeed have more contact with the family of my deceased beloved. I'm not certain that Tina's family has mounted opionions about Gabe's guilt or not. So again using the innocent until proven guilty theory, I would want to remain in close contact with the family....Now if I was Gabe and did actually have a hand in her death, remaining close to the family would tend to throw off the investigation a little, If he is attempting to get away with the perfect murder hopefully for his sake he didn't rush right home and start dating again, liquified any assets and now driving a Ferrari.
Oh good, Finally a publication we can trust(sarcasm) somehow between Linsey Lohan's rehab coverage and Brittany Spear's $20,000 shopping spree on sunglasses, People magazine now chimes in with their story about the event . Maybe now we can finally get some answers(more sarcasm). The title of the Piece....."HONEYMOON DEATHDIVE". there are a few revealing stories regarding Gabe's behavior after Tina's death and the picture of her on the bottom is much larger, across 2 pages but in my opinion enhanced slightly to bring out the body on the ocean floor better. Nevertheless if you find yourself in a long grocery line....and see the current People, or you could simply look at the recent Us magazine that has celebrity beach bodies, your choice
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I think the concept of what we would do / what he didn't do has deviated slightly. For those that say "you don't know what you would do in a panic situation / or a pain situation" first off, your right - no way to know otherwise. BUT, this guy did not say he was having difficulties equalizing, he did not say he was panicked - he said that she was panicking and he was kicking as hard as he could and she was sinking faster, so he made the decision to surface - so he had clear thought and obviously a VERY controlled ascent.

So I say - that given THAT situation, I am saving my wife (ie, not murdering her and making up stories after the fact).

Now, if I were to off the little lady while diving - I must admit, I'd do it deeper, pull the reg and play keep away (being larger and stronger). wouldn't there be bruising if he actually did do the "bearhug" thing? I don't know, I just feel that given his story and the ascent rate that he's guilty - perhaps a very sick person that just decided to "see what would happen" or "see what its like to kill her".

But to mine (and probably others) point, given this situation with the stated details - I am going after my wife, I would give my life for hers in a heartbeat.

:coffee:This is such an interesting thread not just because of the topic. I have my own feelings on what happened, motive and all. I have stated those earlier.
:coffee:Now I am enjoying reading peoples opinions about how they would react and so on. Quite fascinating! here are some very RELIABLE indicators.

1) the best indicator of future behaviour is relevant past behaviour.

2) Fight or flight response adrenalin gets pumped into your system and the body functions in a higher level depending on the amounts your brain doesn't respond to pain stimuli which is why people seem to be stronger. The right amount of adrenalin and your brain function is higher (The world seems to slow down around you because your brain is working so quickly) but too much and your brain just spins.

3) Freeze Response noadrenalin gets pumped into the system and functions shut down. This is a natural response we see in all of the animal kingdom. (Maybe if I am very still the danger will go away)....the lion won't find me. We see this in cubs when Mom sends them up a tree... deer in the headlights.

Both of 2 & 3 responses are NATURAL. Both of these responses can be tempered with experience, training and reinforcement. Personality types also play a role.

I have worked with and trained many paramedics in my career and I saw this in action too many times to count. Now I hear my first aid students come back and describe events and their reactions that continue to support this observation.

Some rare occasions where you come into a situation unprepared in some way you may have an uncharacteristic freeze response but stepping out of your normal response character is rather unlikely because of number 1.

Now lets get back to the first factor. The way you react in any really serious emergency is likely to be consistent with the way you react to ANY emergency. Yes I agree with some of you. IF YOU HAVE FACED A SIGNIFICANT EMERGENCY and responded in a certain way you probably do know how you would react in this situation.

Someone else commented that Gabe's reaction was NOT consistent with a reasonable person in this situation which I obviously agree with.:shakehead:
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Retrospectively if you would like, he is at the very least guilty of being an absolutely inept rescue diver.

That's probably a given. Two novice divers with a problem on a dive and the outcome is often undesireable and more bizarre than this.
For those interested this is supposedly the full transcript of the police interview with Gabe Watson. (64 pages)

The link provided gives 4 word documents that i have printed to the attached PDF file.

The more I see of this guy the more I think he is innocent ... after reading this document I doubt he would be able to come up with the scenario that he is accredited with.

Link to transcript
Gabe Watson's police interview


I have read most of the transcripts as well, I'm not here to judge him. If he is truely innocent, how in the world did he pass any sort of rescue class. It brings up a more important question, medical examinations and questionaires sure have gotten enough run around here but if this guy is innocent i'm not certain he could resue himself from a wet paper bag. We are quick to be critical of unfit overweight divers however I'm not certain that this guy, provided he is innocent was capable of scuba diving? was he an intelligent man? and how can we protect ourselves from being buddied up with someone like this? can someone be capable of mask clearing, buddy breathing and even pass a resue diver class yet be so incompetent that he could not at least make an attempt at rescue.....really he should have been taught that if she was too heavy he should have dropped her weights, inflated her Bc, or his.....if the current was too strong he could have let go of the line partnered up and made a free accent to the surface...T O G E T H E R, and took their chances on the surface...really if he is innocent we need to be asking questions if divers are actually intelligent enough for real world diving. On second thought we hear of divers dying everyday during the short lobster season where they DUST of 20 Year old equipment and jump in the water expecting it to work
:death2:In the ambulance service we used to have a couple sayings that apply here....
You must be a paramendic if you believe too stupid to live (or shallow gene pool) should be a recognized diagnosis. I think both apply here.

I agree with thanksforallthefish. After reading those pages of transcript he comes off as such an idiot I'm not sure how he gets his own shoes on without assistance!

:shakehead:feel sorry for their instructor (they were both trained by the same guy). He says she wouldn't have known enough to breathe out as she surfaced. They never talked about how much weight they were carrying (the police seemed very interested in the weight thing), in the rescue course he did search patterns, lifts with bags and learned how to buddy breathe and rescue themselves but never told how to bring another diver to the surface:noI have a feeling the instructor will be having a lot of questions to answer :no As an instructor I often have more bodies in the class than brains. 12 students 10 brains can't do much with that!

Here's my guess for what it is worth. Her air wasn't turned on properly at the surface, as they got deeper she couldn't get enough air, became hypoxic as the system couldn't deliver enough air. The bear hug is when the air got turned on fully which is why it was on at the bottom. Deliberate or terminal stupidity????? I would need to sit on the jury to decide that! In any case he shouldn't be allowed to foul the gene pool
The indicted husband's lawyer must be loving this thread. So many ideas and strategies offered up by divers he can use to plant reasonable doubt in the jury's mind.
In the transcript it appears to indicate that Tina was wearing possibly 38lbs, or 17Kg. Without knowning her size/body type, difficult to say whether she was overweighted but that certainly sounds very overweighted to me. And he was wearing 13.5Kg. That seems like a huge amount of weight. Some locations are saltier than others which require more weight, for example the Red Sea - anyone know whether Pulau is normal in terms of the sea salinity or whether it's more like the Red Sea? And are there any pictures of the Watson's? Be curious to see their size and whether they really were monstrously over weighted.

The transcript certainly reads very differently to the other reports in the media. I might even end up agreeing with MikeF by the end of it! Altho obviously I'll try not to :-)
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