When one diver drops lifeless to the ocean floor and her buddy swims away to make a lesuirely ascent from 14m?
Ok, wish I knew where the discussion was. Something about a CF, buddy separation then the guy asking who he should go to first. My guess (like it was a test question) was to ditch the buddy not paying any attention to any of it, at least they seemed to be handling it well, and go to the person that looked
in trouble.
I meant to point out
- A previous discussion said first things first, dont put your buddy at risk by abandoning them.
- Rec tropic vacation divers are generally viewed as not the sharpest knife in the drawer. And that includes not so prone to the tight team formation mentality. (Buddy? Buddy? Where art thou? Oh feces, heading the opposite direction
- I dont recall the Doc level or experience, but if like the rest of us PADIers, he may not be real quick on the draw. He may be a ways away and not real sure what he is seeing, and then find the words to describe it later.
- In the photo
heck, doesnt the person getting their photo taken look like a twit? And this is me underwater waving look at me. Notice below me you can see the woman that just died, just now. Dont get to see that often, a real lucky photo op huh. And the Photographer was looking right at her while taking a smiley face picture. Just hope he wasnt POed the Instructor ruined the shot swimming into it. (Well, Id feel pretty bad.)
- I may be over generous in spirit but the only time I expected to see someone getting killed while on vacation was on some of the streets in NYC. Id be hard pressed to come to the conclusion right away a honeymooning couple were locked in the throes of death. Some kinky role playing? I think. Id have a hard time putting 2 + 2 together. The honeymooners hugging, and one unconcerned after
it just doesnt make sense. And probably feel pretty bad about it if I was there, and wasnt so quick on the uptake.
As for me, if I saw that woman laying the way she looked Id like to think Id at least think about it,
consider my situation,
before bolting down there.
But realistically Geoff H, I spent the bulk of my life being the protector of the people in one way or another. Having been The Man, it was quite annoying having to fend off the do gooders getting in the way and making it hard to get the job done quickly and correctly.
When Im on vacation, and not expected to be The Man, Im on vacation. So if I see something
first I take a step back and look for The Man and be alert for opportunity to be of assistance to The Man. If no The Man appears to be available, then, go and see what I can do and hope The Man shows up real soon.
In this situation (as I recall, not about to go read all of this again
J) there was a guide of sorts. And apparently an Instructor in the vicinity. My experience is limited, but that situation is the norm for me and boat dives. Im not expecting any of the professional divers anywhere near me be
responsible for me. I do expect they are a good resource and at least more qualified than I to be The Man if unfortunate things happen. Apparently the Instructor was alert and came to the unsuccessful rescue. (Poor guy, bad day to be diving for a lot of people I expect.)
I hope what you are asking is how could the Doc not have been the one to have got to her soon enough she didnt die, since he saw her in the process of getting to being dead.
All Im saying is we (at least I) dont know how close to this he was. What else
he had on his plate. Nor do I know his feelings about being on vacation from being The Man. (My experience is there are two kinds of Doctors in a trauma such as this. Those that barge in with the sole qualification of podiatrist MD and those that offer they might be of use because they have experience pertaining to the situation. Guess which one I like better in my face when I am The Man?
And I will repeat myself:
Have to say my reaction just a sentence into reading it was; what the heck is that guy (sounds like) just sitting there and just watching all this what he described as drama???
This whole event and chain just boggles the mind. If it was a Chevy Chase movie it would be funny.